Planning to book an Airbnb, 4 Cost-Saving Tips for Budget-Conscious Travelers

Addressing various concerns while booking your next Airbnb

Selvin Furtado
3 min readNov 28, 2023


A beautiful villa surrounded by a forest facing a lake with birds playing
Photo by Stephen Wheeler on Unsplash

Booking a place far away from home has never been easier.

There has been a significant rise in the number of people traveling in the past year. However, searching for affordable options has become a big hurdle to navigate around. To solve this issue….

Airbnb has been my go-to option as it provides:

  1. More Independence
  2. Bigger Space and Amenities
  3. No Distractions
  4. A Feeling of Togetherness

The perks offered often make us spend extra money as we feel compensated. But there are different problems to be addressed before booking your Airbnb.

They come with their own set of challenges.

Challenge 1: Accommodation

Airbnb charges more for the same property if the number of people traveling is increased(An increased charge for six people as compared to 5). Many properties also have a policy limiting the number of people staying at the location which reduces the options for travelers. Festivities and national holidays bump up the price due to greater demand.

Hack: In many instances, the property host charges a small additional amount for more people traveling, which could be an economical option rather than booking a bigger, expensive property.

Tip: Before booking, finalize the number of people traveling and search for properties with occupancy tending to your group.

Challenge 2: Taxes Included

After filtering the locations based on the travel dates and search criteria, the app displays the final price, excluding taxes. This means they are subject to change and could go as high as a night stay.

Hack: The price can be negotiated with the host to reduce the taxes incurred and get a sweet deal.

Tip: Book the Airbnb when promotions on per-night prices and discounted night stays (eg, 25% off on the third night) are available.

Challenge 3: Limited Options

The desired location might not have many options, and all tourist locations have inflated prices. The property could be completely secluded, which provides less access to nearby stores and excursions.

Hack: Check for nearby attractions and stores, which reduces the load of carrying additional luggage and keeps options to explore the location open.

Tip: To avail cheaper prices, look for properties in the neighboring areas of your desired location. Book in advance( at least 1–2 months, especially during the holiday season) to get great offers.

Challenge 4: Food Options

Not all properties include food(maybe breakfast), which is a big concern. The dining options are charged per head, and this significantly increases the overall price of the trip. The food could be repetitive and do not cater to personal preferences.

Hack: Pay for only one meal(lunch/dinner), and ordering food at the location, if possible, is also a cheaper alternative.

Tip: Carry dry food and snacks and explore nearby options, as a combined restaurant bill is significantly cheaper than paying food prices per head at the property.

These tips have helped me plan my trips better, and I am sure they will add value when planning your next staycation.

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Selvin Furtado

Writing about topics that I am passionate about | Navigating through my 20's | Writing: Travel, Habits and Watches