Dr. Wayne Stein > 5th Dimension: A Meditation on Love and the After world

✅Poem: Goddess of the Love, Smiling within an Alternate Dimension of Amusement✅

✅How do you find peace within your life?✅ ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅


✅It begins with mindfulness. . .

Well, 162 people have clapped for this, and this is my most popular article ever, yeah!

. . . now, my goddess calls me daily, and we are both butt poor, and we haven’t dated yet, . . . .

. . . she helps sick people who do not have family or friends and who are also poor: the New America. . . Arigato. . . .

Please do not stay and read for at least 30 seconds, or 30 years, highlight to get high, and do not comment and tell me that I need to eat some golden cheese pizza, . .

. . . .so I cannot visit your article, and tell you to buy me pizza: Thank you!

. . . No one buys me bananas or coffee, why?

Listen to Shakira when reading. . .

Rabiosa > > >Youtube

Finding the Latina Goddess of Love, my life is amazing, for we are still friend, . . .

. . . but we have not gone on a date yet, but we talk everyday on the phone, we talk about everything . . . . everything, . . .LOL

Golden Angel of Love> > Photo by Color Crescent on Unsplash

✅What happens when you find peace?✅

A Poem of the Deepest Dimensions of Bliss

✅The Love Labyrinth of Luminosity✅

falling, falling, falling downwards, while looking upwards falling, falling, falling upwards, while looking downwards

into the eyes of an angelic eternal lover, beating heart smiling, arms extending, bountifully floating unifying, upwards, as a beautifully smart winged being guiding, mindfully, questioning as

the greatest goddess of love and light laughs loud,

talking daily, sharing willfully, and questioning, repeating, and saying again and again, telling me no, no, no. . . .

warning me that I not knowing her, she not wanting, only needed my friendship,

loving life, not wanting a relationship. a Meso-Americana woman warrior, speaking of the 5th dimension, where

merging all, no humans fighting, no churches preaching, no elections cheating, and no poverty ruling,

no pressures increasing, . . .

within this eternal fountain of hope, this boundless dimension of magical potions,

a sea of love merging into the warm foam of peace, love, life, and compassionate care merging where

no wars, no hate, no pain, no hunger, and no racism.

Love conquers all, love is all we have!



✅Thank you!✅ Welcome to the 5th Dimension. . .

I have met my match, another beautiful grand master warrior goddess has entered my life as she pulls out her long sword of agape steel, as she tells me to shut up and be hypnotized by the zen moments,

. . . as she speaks in a golden voice, to be mesmerized as she dances and quakes, and beams with joyous luminosity when she laughs at how stupid I am.

I am in love. . . .


I am blessed, for It never fails. . . .an angel has entered my life. . .. Have a happy new years!

Laugh more!


Buy me some Korean Kimchi Tacos, for I am broke So is my goddess.

✅Photo by Siegfried Poepperl on Unsplash



🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅