Post-celebrify And S4 Buildspace.

2 min readOct 11, 2023
Most cherished Email from Buildspace.

I don’t think you can tell, but, I’m positively beaming with joy!! This should make for an interesting and compelling read!

Now that S4 of Buildspace has been done with and l have had the opportunity to introspect and redirect focus on to the bigger picture, l can say that the occassion of S4 came with a few celebrations whereby l was enabled to look into previously uncharted areas of the business.

In pivoting strengths and regained fervour towards the aims of the toy that we had started out to build, the joys of soloprenureship with lean startups and the idea of growing the business in various directions not only made us at Celebrify, the co-founders focus on our core competencies, but, also created an inbuilt startup culture that needed no top down approach in scaling the business.

Within weeks of immense hustle, us co-founders have decided to move ahead in different directions until we meet again at Buildspace S5.

Thank-you for eagerly anticipating and looking forward to sharing more soon.

The added feature of party and gift ideas on the same search for a Birthday Party.
Another example of the added feature.

