QR Art Codes: How To Create QR Art Using AI?

Vignesh RS
6 min readOct 3, 2023


QR codes have been around for over 2 decades. In our day-to-day lives, QR codes have a significant part and their relevance is still on the hike. It’s all due to just one thing- Evolving technology. As technology changes, everything it relates to evolves.

At first, QR codes were intriguing- the way they worked was not typical; it seemed like magic back then. But now, it doesn’t grab our attention anymore as we can see QR codes everywhere and it has become a part of our daily lives. For instance, we rarely even carry hard cash, as almost all shops, stores, etc. have their own QR codes and we can just scan and pay.

Regular QR codes are made of black and white squares arranged in a specific pattern. They are not enticing anymore, but thanks to AI and its advancements, we can now generate custom artistic QR codes using AI.

These AI-generated QR art codes can be visually appealing and can be customized to your liking. If you own a business and you follow a certain theme or if you prioritize color theory and other design aspects, having a custom QR code matching your theme would definitely help. This could certainly be a boost for businesses, individuals, etc. trying more to personalize design aspects.

AI-generated QR art codes have also recently been talked about on the internet, due to their atypical visually appealing patterns. It has aroused interest among a lot of people on the internet.

How To Make QR Art Using AI?

Image created by the author using AI

There are several platforms offering ways to create QR art using AI. As the QR code art trend got traction, a lot of QR code art-generating websites, apps, etc. have come to light. All of them have their own unique feature set and we can see the evident difference in the patterns of the generated QR code. Most of the generator websites mainly rely on a text-to-image model called Stable Diffusion.

Generating QR code art using AI is not at all confusing. You don’t have to dwell deep and have a lot of technical expertise to do it. It can be done in just a few clicks. In this article, I’ll tell you a way in which you can conveniently generate QR code art using AI.

QR Code Art Generator

Screenshot Taken From Huggingface

You can generate QR code Art using this website: QR Code AI Art Generator

To my knowledge, this website is by far the easiest way to Generate QR art using AI. I’ll show you how to do this below. I’m only specifying the fields that you need to fill, you can play around with other fields or leave them as it is.

A. Enter your QR code content or site URL

Screenshot Taken From Huggingface

B. Enter your prompt. This prompt should describe the model what type of Art you want to embed.

Screenshot Taken From Huggingface

C. Run. You can leave the parameters as it is. It works fine by default, but if you want to add an extra spice to the generated QR art, play around with the parameters. Before doing so, just read about how each parameter works.

Screenshot Taken From Huggingface

There is also an option to add a QR code image. Although it works, the results could be better. You can leave the negative prompt field by default. On top of the site, there is a note describing how each parameter works and its optimum ranges. You can refer to it to play around with the params.

Why QR Code Art?

QR code art is something new to us. Apart from the typicality of the conventional ones, they bring a sense of vividness to the QR codes. People who haven’t seen these types of QR codes will definitely be enticed- I was really intrigued after seeing QR code art for the first time, and I believe everyone will. There are a lot of reasons to try generating QR art codes using AI. I’ll list some of them below.

Staying Ahead With The Trend

QR codes are inevitable in these modern times. Visually appealing QR art codes could certainly spark curiosity and interest among people who haven’t seen them before. You can take this opportunity to attract more people to your brand. If you are the first one to introduce an audience to QR art codes, they would most probably consider checking you out because people tend to value uniqueness.

Helps Improve Brand Identity

Brand Identity is key for both individual and corporate businesses. Each brand will have a unique set of color scheme, style, theme, etc. Having a QR code that resembles the style, and the theme of your brand would obviously help in gaining a sync.

For instance, let’s say you need a poster for one of your marketing campaigns. The designer uses elements and colors that resemble your brand and follows your brand guidelines in every aspect of the poster’s design. Now consider you want to insert a medium-large QR code on the poster. If it is a regular QR code then it may be just ok or worse. But if you try inserting a QR art code that could go in line with your brand- we can call that an impeccable poster! People will find such unique details intriguing.

Provides Context

Normal QR codes are just patterns and are contextually irrelevant. But if you embed specific themes, art, etc. into QR codes that correspond to the context — it can be a thumbnail sketch of your Content.

Consider you have a car dealership business and your clients visit your website by scanning QR codes. If the QR code resembles the shape of a car, that could undoubtedly arouse interest among your customers. Or if your business is listed among a long list of companies, where each company has a section for QR codes, your company would definitely stand out and the artwork will give the audience a rough idea of what your company is about.

Improves Visual Appeal

People would always tend to notice visually appealing vivid things. In a world bombarded with typical black-and-white QR codes, vivid-hued-artistic QR codes would easily gain the eyes of people. Colored QR codes are not typical and atypical things are attention-grabbing. Leverage this technique to increase visual appeal appropriately.

Increase The Scalability of Your QR Designs

With this technique, you can create multiple QR codes. By using different prompts, you can generate multiple QR art codes that vary uniquely in theme, style, etc. If you get a feeling that your customers are getting bored seeing your designs over and over again this could help to diversify your QR designs.


AI QR code art has recently been on the talk and is grabbing a lot of people’s attention. If you master your way of using them appropriately, you will certainly entice your audience. Be one step ahead in the future by leveraging this technique. In the future, artistic QR codes will replace most regular ones. Although appealing, don’t overuse it. Just use it only wherever it’s relevant. Moreover, just try playing around; it’s fun!

Originally published at my blog: https://theaienvoy.com.



Vignesh RS

A dev; loves talking about tech, marketing, productivity, and, businesss.