Question to ponder before start of New Year 2024 — Why did the prisoner choose bread instead of the key?

Ritika Murarka
2 min readDec 22, 2023
Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash

I have a certain fondness for short stories as they deliver a powerful punch in such a short time frame. Anyone who has studied philosophy would probably know the answer to this question: “ Why did the prisoner choose bread instead of the key?” and with the advent of the new year 2024, it's more than imperative to rethink this question. Before delving into how we can relate this topic to our lives, let me tell you the answer!

The prisoner chose Bread! When I heard this, I was flabbergasted!! But when you understand the rationale behind it, you can actually apply this to your life circumstances as well. The prisoner who is tired and weary and has probably imagined freedom in his mind a hundred thousand times chooses the bread because it provides him sustenance for the moment. It’s his gratification that will keep him full for a few hours, maybe. If he chooses the key, he may not know how to unlock the prison, a guard may catch him, he may be unable to climb over the prison walls, and tens of such reasons which look like hurdles. Bread is familiar to him; it comes to him at a specific time, and he can predict the fullness and satisfaction he will feel; moreover, however worse the prison is, he does not know whether he will truly find the freedom he is looking for with the key. He may lose his bread for a couple of days, maybe, if he is caught running away. All the ifs and buts, and he chooses bread!

But before judging the prisoner, we ourselves are prisoners to old ideas, habits, reactions, people, places, and a routine just because they are familiar. Can we promise ourselves that this year, instead of looking at instant gratification, we would rather think long term and not be afraid of challenges that life throws at us, that we will replace the negative voice in our heads with positive affirmations, that we will accept challenges and throw ourselves into the unknown!!

I make this promise to myself once again and consistently act on it. You can make this promise to yourself as well!!

Do share if this resonates, and I look forward to breaking the chains this New Year in whatever manner it is helpful to you!

Love and Light,


Wish you a very Merry Christmas and a very happy new year in advance!!



Ritika Murarka

Blog Bday- 16th November, 2023. I want to write about things that move me & I enjoy along with self development, travel & healthy lifestyle. Follow/ Subscribe❤️