Rakhi N.S
2 min readDec 6, 2021



Image Courtesy: Photo by Musaddique Naina from FreeImages

Ayurveda brings knowledge about different substances, their properties, their impact (favorable/ unfavorable) on the human body. Simply put, Ayurveda gives Ayus-life.

Ayurveda mainly has eight branches: Kayachikitsa (general medicine), Shalakya chikitsa (treatment above neck & shoulder), Salya chikista (surgery), Visha chikista (toxicology), Bhoot Vidya (psychotherapy), Kaumarbhritya chikista (infants and child care), Rasayana chikista (promotive measures/ rejuvenation) and Vajikarana (aphrodisiacs).

In Ayurveda Bheshaja (medicine) is of two categories: one that enhances strength and immunity in healthy people and the other that relieves disorders. Rasayana and Vajikarana are in the first category.

The simplest definition for Rasayana is a process that helps to attain excellent dhatus*.

Benefits of Rasayana are good memory power, high intelligence, long life span, youthfulness, very clear voice, complexion and luster, optimal body strength both internally and externally, pleasing words and respect, etc.

There are two main types of Rasayana: Kutipravesika (Indoor) and Vatatapika (Open air).

Kutipravesika (Indoor) Rasayana treatment requires a special hut facing east or north on an auspicious ground. The place should be free of all danger and also all necessary things are easily available. The hut should have sufficient height and space and consist of three chambers inside in an orderly fashion. It has a small opening, the wall should be thick and impenetrable to unwanted sound, etc.

On an auspicious day in the north course of the sun, therapy will begin if the person is physically and mentally ready. It starts with cleaning measures. First, the six components are taken with hot water and put the person on a dietetic plan. After the person’s bowls is cleaned, depending on the person’s age and body strength appropriate Rasayana formulae start to administer.

Vatatapika (Open air) is an approach where one can live a relatively normal life without too many restrictions and it is currently practiced. Effectiveness is very high in Kutipravesika. It is believed that when nontoxic, mature herbs and 100 percent pure other ingredients are combined with a knowledgeable practitioner and the person receiving treatment has complete faith in the process and the God, as well as a strong mind, then the person emerging out from the hut is like a reborn person with a very powerful mind and body.

Today, Rasayana is often using synonymous for the certain formulation, but in reality, it is one of Ayurveda’s most intricate and hidden treasures, capable of transforming an old person into a young one through a complex, time-consuming procedure. The method comprises a lot of risk elements, which is the primary reason for its secrecy.

  • Dhatus are tissues. According to Ayurveda human body is made up of saptadhatus (seven tissues). They’re Rasa (Plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (Muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bones & Cartilage), and Shukra (both male semen and female egg).
  • Reference: Charaka Samhita

Image Courtesy: Photo by Musaddique Naina from FreeImages

