3 min read6 hours ago
Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

Do you want to work out but don’t feel like doing it? Well, you need to first learn to enjoy the process.

I learned this from the book, ‘Feel Good Productivity’ by Ali Abdaal where he talks about how feeling good makes us more productive and so we can increase our productivity by trying to find ways to enjoy what we are doing.

Applying this logic in my fitness journey, I figured I needed to enjoy what I was doing. And for that, I need to know exactly why I am doing this.

The mindset with which you approach exercising is extremely important.

If you start working out because you want to look a certain way, you will be extremely motivated for a few days but then the motivation will start to die down.

So, you need to know the reasons that will keep you motivated for long.

These are some of the reasons I started working out:


One thing that helps me to enjoy my daily workout is the thought that this is the youngest I ever will be and so I must appreciate what my body is capable of at this moment.

Marveling at what my body can do, celebrating the movements and flexibility my body is capable of makes it a moment of gratitude.

Working out is a celebration of what your body can do not a punishment for the calories you ate.

This perspective is very important to be built in your mind.


Whenever I work out extensively first thing in the morning, I feel more productive and ready to tackle all my tasks. I believe that doing something that is relatively difficult first thing in the morning prepares you for all other difficult tasks of the day.

So the next time you struggle with procrastination just get up, work out for at least five minutes and you will be good to go.


When I first heard about how working out improves our self-esteem it didn’t quite hit me, but now that I have been working out for a while I think this does hold some truth.

There is something empowering about taking charge of your health, and your body, and so, as you start fulfilling your fitness goals you feel so much better about yourself.


Do you feel good emotionally after working out? Well, there is an actual scientific explanation for why we tend to feel happier and mentally relaxed after working out.

It is because exercise stimulates the release of dopamine, along with other neurotransmitters like endorphins and serotonin, which can enhance our mood, reduce stress, and improve overall mental well-being.


As someone who struggles to fall asleep at night, I found exercise a very effective strategy that ensures I have a good night’s sleep. It doesn’t have to be a very physically draining exercise, even a walk for twenty minutes can help you have a good sleep.

The time that you exercise can also be an important factor for some. I would say exercising preferably an hour or two before your bedtime would do.

Consistently getting up and exercising every single day sounds tough but once you know exactly why you are doing this, trust me, it will be a lot easier.

Good luck!




an undergrad psych student trying to figure out life and writing about whatever valuable lessons I learn along the way