Reimagining The Greatest Evil Step-mothers of The World

A look at the new evil stepmothers of the best-loved fairy tales

Nicole Maharaj


Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

While there have been great Princesses transformed into role models we can’t forget their evil stepmothers of the world. In the world of Snow White for example we have been given two completely different Evil Queens. Julia Robert’s interpretation of the Evil Queen was one that loved parties and staying queen as long as possible.

However, Raveena from Snow White and the Huntsman is a terrifying creature obsessed with beauty and power. Ravenna is strong, beautiful, and wicked. Her evil queen is one to be feared. Like the evil queens before her, she locks up Snow White and when she escapes she hires a huntsman to track her down. Unlike the other Snow White’s however, the Mirror tells Ravenna that she needs to eat Snow White’s heart to survive. Thankfully this Snow White is built of stronger stuff, just like the Huntsman that was sent to kill her. She even has a whole army waiting for orders along with her seven dwarves.

The Lady Tremaine

When we think of evil stepmothers, the one that comes to mind most often is of course the Evil Queen. However, we seem to overlook perhaps the scariest stepmother of all. Cinderella’s stepmother, The Lady Tremaine might be the…



Nicole Maharaj

I bleed out my soul in my writing, in these pages you will find poems and short stories fantastical in nature and completely fictional. And some reviews too!