Robert Edward Grant, The Hidden Code of the Universe

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Antonia Rovayo
3 min readJan 16, 2022


Image by Robert Edward Grant with permission

“The only real obstacles are the imaginary ones.”
Robert Edward Grant

I have been searching for the truth for a long time… In my long journey, I have found semi-truths or relative truths and I have come to the conclusion that there is a nucleus where that truth is found as the center of the universe. It is not a static truth, it is changing in our eyes depending on time. We are living codes, combinations of numbers visualized in fractals of the finite area, and infinite perimeter…

I began to read the publications of Robert Edward Grant and saw reflected in his writings and graphics many of my thoughts regarding the universe as a harmonic vibration. Traditional education separates knowledge into disciplines that make it difficult to understand. Music (Love it and I play several musical instruments), mathematics, spirituality, and philosophy go hand in hand! It is like wanting to dismember a body, in this case, the body of the universe. AN EDUCATIONAL REFORM SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED.

I finished the Free Courses The Etymology of Numbers and The Language of Light and I have learned a lot. I highly recommend it. It is easy to understand and at the same time very deep content. Access is allowed until 2/22/2022.

“The Etymology of Number” is a four-part lecture series that will examine the discovery and evolution of the human understanding of numbers and their role in physics, chemistry, photonics, gravity, music, art, architecture, mathematics, measurement, time, and human consciousness.

“The Language of Light” is a six-part online lecture series from Robert Grant for participants that have completed his Etymology of Number course. This advanced curriculum builds upon the concepts and numerical pattern methodologies described in the first elective in order to explore deeper discoveries in unified sciences, mathematics, music, art, consciousness and spirituality.

You will learn the practical application of incredible mathematical discoveries and how they can be used in conjunction with hertz EMGR (Electro-Magneto-Gravito-Radiativity) to better understand time, the inverse square law, biology, DNA genotypic and phenotypic expression, vacuum energy. and transmutation of matter.

I recommend you explore the website and read the book “Philomath” by the mentioned author.

What excites me the most is to see how the lost universal language is recovered. Mathematics is the fundamental link tool, it must be linked to the morph (geometric shape, letter, graph) and pronunciation that directs the action as a vector with all its components. NOBODY at this time except Robert Edward Grant has come so close to the origin of the creative verb and its magical language.

I hope your comments and your applause if you like the article, I want you to share your concerns about this exciting topic. I say goodbye for the moment with much love, the greatest of all existing forces



Antonia Rovayo

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection