Secrets Of Long -Distance Relationships

Love knows no distance

4 min readMar 29, 2022


Photo by Trung Nguyen from Pexels

Relationships are harder now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls, feelings became subliminal messages online.

Sex became easy, the word love gets used out of context, insecurities have become your way of thinking.

Getting jealous became a habit, trust has been lost, cheating became an accident, leaving became the only option and being hurt became natural.

— Unknown

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of our lives in order to live a peaceful and happy life.

To build healthy relationships, It’s essential to make heart-to-heart connections with your loved ones, especially in the case of long-distance relationships. Healthy relationships are the biggest support system in the ups and downs of life.

Here’s how you can transform your long-distance relationship into a long-lasting relationship: Practical Tips.

1. Commitment:

No matter what, “I am there for you always and forever” these kinds of humble words make relationships stronger and better.

Once you are clear with who is your right fit, make a promise to your loved one that despite every up and down we will make this connection last forever.

And this commitment of yours gives assurance to your loved one that you are completely investing your time and energy in the long-term relationship.


Loyalty defines your character. Nowadays, staying true is getting to be a hard part of long-distance relationships. Sometimes insecurities and fear of losing the person become a barrier to saying the truth.

If you are lying to your partner, give him clarity, because to hide one mistake, you keep lying and making another mistake. Don’t ever lie or hide anything from your partner because he loves you from the bottom of his heart and if you are cheating on him, it’s not worth it.

Treat him as your choice, not an option. Don’t take him for granted. Give your partner value and respect. Add him to your priority list.

3. Trust and Care:

Love, compassion, care, and trust are exactly what is needed in a successful relationship. Your over-possessiveness and distrust lead you nowhere; it becomes the reason for toxic relationships.

Give your partner a little space to explore his journey. Have trust in your partner and faith in your relationship. Always give your partner a chance to admit or clear up his mistakes. If something makes you hesitant, communicate clearly with your partner rather than assuming or listening about your partner from the outside people.

4. Communication:

In long-distance relationships, texting is the worst way of communication. It gives you a chance of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what exactly you are trying to say and what someone is understanding from his side.

Texting small messages like “Good morning” and “Good night” is fine, but if you want to say something important, instead of texting, prefer a call or video call. Fix a specific time for your partner’s call during all of your working schedules.

When you are in a relationship, you are sharing a part of your life with your partner, so make sure you share everything with your partner when trust and loyalty are taken into consideration. Transparency is more important for long-lasting connections.

5. Support:

Having the biggest support system on your back thrives you up on the mental and emotional levels of your mind. Everyone needs mental support in their downtime. We need someone to talk to; we need someone who can just listen to us without passing any judgment.

Be the biggest support system to your partner in their struggling period. And if you have that kind of supportive partner in your life, don’t leave them alone in their downtimes. Use some kind words to encourage them. Try to resolve their problems. Be humble with them. That’s what keeps you both closer.

6. Meet up:

Meeting physically with your partner helps you to build trust on both sides as well as gets you to know your partner well.

If both persons live in close cities, they should meet up or date every 15 days, or at least at the end of the month if that is not possible. Prepare a few pleasant surprises for your lover. Send him some gifts to show him how much you care. Consider them to be unique and important elements of your life.

7. Together, try out new things.:

Not every person is the same as you. Embrace the differences between each other. Respect each other’s choices and decisions. For instance, if you love to play sports and your partner loves dancing, Try to explore both of these things together, which makes your connection flourish.

Be adventurous sometimes. When you meet your partner, you should travel together and explore new places. Make new memories with your partner.

I hope this post will help you in making your connection long-lasting.

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Pharmacy by profession & Writer by passion. I love writing about Life lessons, Self-help, Mindfulness, Health, Spirituality and many more deeper topics.