Shine Bright: Why Being True to You Matters Most

Dipalee Katre Rahangdale
3 min readFeb 29, 2024
Image of the Writer

Hello, Beloved Reader!

Do you ever hear people saying, “I’m just giving back the energy I get”?

Maybe you hear or not …

but I heard it so many times and experienced it also

However, I can’t bring myself to do the same thing back to them.

Do you know why? Allow me to explain.

Well, I have a little secret to share with you: It’s even better to give your best energy no matter what.

Imagine this:

You’re at work, and there’s a colleague who always seems to have a cloud of negativity following them.

They’re quick to criticize, slow to praise, and generally bring down the vibe in the office.

Now, according to the “matching energy” idea, I could easily respond in kind. I could be critical right back, ignore their good points, and add to the negativity.

But here’s the thing: I just can’t do it. It doesn’t sit right with me.

I choose to be positive, to find the good in situations and people. So instead of matching their negativity, I try a different approach.

I greet them warmly in the morning, offer a helping hand when they’re struggling, and sincerely praise them when they do something well.

It’s not about ignoring the negative behaviour or pretending it doesn’t exist. It’s about choosing to be the best version of myself, even when faced with negativity.

And you know what? It makes a difference. My positive energy starts to rub off on them. They begin to lighten up, crack a smile now and then and even offer a word of praise themselves.

So, while some might say, “I’m just giving back the energy I get,” I choose to be an amazing, positive, honest human being.

Here’s why:

It Feels Good: When you’re true to yourself, it feels amazing! You’re not pretending or hiding. You’re just being YOU.

You Attract Goodness: Think of your bright crystal as a magnet for good stuff. When you give out positivity, you often get it back in big ways!

It’s Your Superpower: Your real, genuine energy is like a superpower. It helps you stay strong and confident.

No Regrets: When you look back, you’ll feel proud. You didn’t change who you are for anyone. You stayed true.

Remember, it’s totally okay to walk away if someone doesn’t appreciate your Value. You don’t need to match their rudeness.

Your energy is precious, and it’s meant for sharing your true self with the world.

So, next time you hear someone say, “I’ll just give what I get,” maybe you can tell them about the magic of giving your best energy.

Who knows? You might spread just positivity and a little brightness in their life too!

Keep shining, you amazing person.

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Dipalee Katre Rahangdale

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