Signs That Show That You Are No Longer in Love

The Nerd
3 min readJun 28, 2024
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Love, one of the most beautiful feelings we can experience, can end without us knowing it. Romantic connections require commitment, effort, and the desire to move forward together.

But when the butterflies in your stomach have taken flight and never come back, it’s difficult to discern whether you’re truly still in love with each other or whether you’re staying in a relationship out of habit.

Finding yourself in this situation of doubt is already a bad sign, but we have indeed all had, at one time or another, moments of fumbling about the path to follow with our partner. To know if we are still in love, several signs should attract our attention.

How do we know if we are no longer in love with our partner?

1. Everything irritates us

At the start of a love sltory, we tend to marvel at everything our loved one does, even those little, uninteresting things. Beware of the moment when this is no longer the case, and when what made us laugh now irritates us to the highest degree. Then comes the moment when, without being able to stop ourselves, we get on each other's nerves, we feel frustrated and this leads to more arguments than reason.

2. Lack of communication

This is still one of the main reasons for breakups. Before, we wanted to talk to our partner, tell them how we were, ask them for advice, and cry on their shoulder when something was wrong.

Now, we don’t feel the need to have deep conversations with them, or even talk about everyday life. We avoid any form of conversation, or even looking at them. Ouch.

3. Lack of interest

In addition to not wanting to talk about your own life, you are also not interested in yours. It's not that we are completely disinterested in what happens to him, but the progress of his day, the progress of his projects no longer evokes any enthusiasm, unlike the early days when we wanted to know everything or almost everything.

4. We avoid spending time together

One of the most obvious signs is that, almost unconsciously, we avoid spending time alone with our partner or, worse, making plans together. We justify this by being tired, lazy, or lacking time, but in reality, we just don't feel like it. We no longer feel pleasure in doing the things we used to do together and we start looking for excuses to get away, even if we have nothing better to do.

5. We stop making efforts

No relationship is perfect. We all go through rough patches that spill over into every relationship. We get sad, we argue, and then we usually manage to work things out (or at least try). But when you fall out of love, you don't even make the effort to make up. You don't feel the need to fix things and make the relationship work anymore, because you simply don't care about it anymore.

This phenomenon happens not only during difficult times but also when we are supposed to be happy. We no longer try to make projects together, celebrate personal successes, organize face-to-face meetings, or simply be attentive to each other's needs. We stop being affectionate and we are even reluctant to make any physical contact.

6. More common goals

For a relationship to work and last over time, there must be common values ​​and goals. There must be a vision of the future that unites and motivates, even if each person must keep their aspirations. Romantic love ends when there is no more when that connection or certainty of love ceases to make hearts vibrate.

It’s normal to sometimes feel doubts, but if we start to analyze the relationship and realize that these signs are present, it means that something is no longer working. It is then better to leave in time, before (yourself) getting hurt.



The Nerd

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