SPOTLIGHT EFFECT- I wish I had known this daVinci code from psychology before.

Quantum Thinker
5 min readJan 1, 2024


I remember the day when my teacher asked a question to the whole class. Nobody spoke up, not even me, though I knew the answer.

I felt scared to speak up despite knowing the answer very well because it would feel like everyone was watching me.

I was thinking about what the consequences would be if it went wrong. 💬

  • My classmates would laugh at me.
  • I might feel ashamed in front of the whole class.
  • My ego would hurt, and my confidence would be low.

The experience that I was going on that day was called the Spotlight effect.

I’ll explain what it is, why it’s not good, and how not to let it bother you.


It’s a state of mind when we think everyone is watching and judging what we do or how we look, but in reality, they are not.

It’s because we often see things only from our point of view.

In the year 2000, an experiment was conducted to test a student who wore an ugly shirt and then was asked to estimate how many people would notice his ugly shirt. He estimated 50%, while in reality, only 25% observed him.



Quantum Thinker

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