Spring’s Chromatic


Nedelcu Alina
1 min readMar 26, 2024


Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

In fields where murmurs hit the dance floor with daybreak,
A material blossoms, an energetic generate,
Every petal is a brushstroke, a shade to decorate,
Nature’s magnum opus, resurrection is conceived.

Emerald leaves give up their sheen,
To the delicate bit of spring’s quiet,
As blooms become flushed in tones concealed,
A kaleidoscope of life, a pleasant scene.

The earth stirs, a cheerful murmur,
As varieties overflow across the sky,
From purplish blue to sunlit color,
Spring coordinates its chromatic children’s song.

Brilliant daffodils influence in the breeze,
An ensemble of varieties, songs seize,
Through verdant valleys and serene leas,
Spring paints its verse, and murmurs discharge.

Amid the foliage, a story unfurls,
Of recharging, of sorcery, as nature observes,
An embroidery woven in conceals untold,
In spring’s hug, a story unfolds.

So let us meander through fields aglow,
Where each shade tells a story we know,
Of progress, of development, of giving up,
In spring’s chromatic orchestra, we sow.

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