How to Start Your Writing Journey

Noopur Bajpai
3 min readSep 15, 2022

Penning down my thoughts into a diary, I like doing it. But I never thought about writing an article online.

It started a few weeks ago when I finally decided to post articles online.

It is not as simple as it may sound since there is a difference between simply putting down your thoughts on paper and writing your thinking in a way that others can understand.

You have to prepare yourself mentally first.

I was learning about writing and was searching for platforms when I found this platform and thought of giving it a try!

First, I was confused about what I should write about and where to begin.

Because when I think of writing, suddenly my mind pops up with so many ideas that I could write about, which makes me confused about choosing that one topic to start writing.

But, when I decide on the topic, to begin with, some additional problems arise during my writing process.

A few minutes ago, there was so much to say and write about it. Then, finally, when I start writing, suddenly my mind goes blank: NO thoughts, nothing to say about it, just empty.

Instead, later, thoughts that started popping up were more in the form of barriers. Those thoughts were: Is the selected topic good enough to write? What if this article is not good enough to post? There are better writers out there (many thoughtful people). Who will even be interested in reading about this?

Yeah, overthinking, which I called a conspiracy played by the mind, is sometimes against you. And may frighten you from taking that first step of trying something new.

Your mind from nowhere suddenly starts analyzing and gives you lists of all the difficulties which may arise along the way, even before starting.

Most of the time, the difficulties or incidents that your mind says will occur never happen!

But, how do you even know the real difficulties in your way if you never start?

I understood a bit about the conspiracy my mind plays while trying things that are new to me. To overcome it, I tried to simplify my thoughts.

Accepting the thoughts coming from your negative mind zone is not always good!

So, today I decided that whatever I can write about, I will write it down and post it. Because no matter how perfectly you do the job, there is always an opportunity for improvement. Practicing the skills along the way can help.

To get the courage to post, I zone out of my thoughts instead. Put a bit of thought and some research into it. Read articles about the people going through the same situation and learn how they tackled it.

By doing that, I figured out solutions for my problem. I made myself believe that until and unless you try and do it, you will never know if you are good at it or not or if that’s the thing for you.

And you know what?

If it is not for you and does not excite you, now you know why, instead of sitting in regret of not trying.

Moreover, if it is not for you, at least now you know how to figure things out for yourself. Also, you know how to overcome, understand and simplify your fearful thoughts.

So, what ‘new’ are you trying today?



Noopur Bajpai

I reveal ideas and concepts through a story| ⚡Learning-Living-Life⭐