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When people come to God, they’re only asking.

Stop Expecting from Others.

Everything revolves around the ‘I’ and what I stand for? I stand for expectations.

2 min readNov 7, 2023


I should be treated like this.

I should be loved like this.

I should be dealt with like this.

I should be respected like this.

I should be given these many marks.

I should not be given this.

All expectations.

We’re all living a life of super high expectations.

Everything revolves around my opinions, desires, likes, and dislikes. I like this. I don’t like this. I hate this. I love this. I want this. I don’t want this.

Do you think life will be happy when it revolves around ‘I’?

From our childhood, we have grown up like this. We’ve only learned to take and everyone has to fulfill my expectations. Everything has to be up to my expectations.

When people come to God, they’re only asking.

Give me what I want.

No one comes to say I love you. I want to give you.

Ask not what God can do for you.

Ask what you can do for God.

But no one asks that because the ‘I’ is so big. My expectations, desires, and things are so powerful that even when I come to a temple and ring a bell, all I’m doing is asking.

People all exist in the world just to fulfill your expectations.

If that’s what you think, sorry to say- wait for a while, you will learn that they don’t.

Friends don’t, family doesn’t care.

Do not allow anyone to remote-control you.

Your cars can be remote-controlled, and your televisions can be. Don’t allow anyone to control your emotions.

The most selfish one-lettered word is I which stands for expectations; how do you avoid this word?

Be realistic in your expectations but understand that not everyone will fulfill your expectations. Secondly, avoid the word I by trying to serve others.

You know why, because when you want to be served, you depend on people who may not serve you. When you want to serve, who can stop you?

When you want respect, people may not respect you, but when you want to give respect. Who can stop you?

When you want to be loved, you may not be loved, but when you want to share love, who can stop you?

When you want charity, people may not give you charity, but when you want to give the charity. Who can stop you?

Therefore, learn to begin your journey from I to you

The more you want for yourself, the more you’ll remain frustrated. The more you

want to give, you will remain happy.



Her Thoughts

I'm a small writer who is willing to put her thoughts in front of the world and learn new things every day. I like writing and when someone reads it.