Student Caught Using ChatGPT

Mitch Hamilton
2 min readApr 25, 2023
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Wow, the student really messed up this time! I bet they wish they had taught ChatGPT to write a better essay.

A student was caught by their teacher for using ChatGPT, an AI software, to write an essay.

The essay contained pointers given by the AI, and even left in the AI wording “As a language model I cannot…”

Maybe they should have added some funny jokes, like “Why did the chicken cross the road? To avoid the plagiarism checker.” That would have made the teacher laugh for sure! But hey, at least the student can now say “AI expert” on their resume.

The teacher asked the student about it, who first said they didn’t do anything bad. But when the teacher showed them the proof, the student finally said they used ChatGPT to write the essay.

The student said they struggled with the assignment and thought it would be a quick fix.

The teacher was sad but not amazed.

Cheating has become more common these days, and the growth of AI has only made it simpler for students to cheat.

The teacher told the student why cheating is bad and how it hurts their learning.

The Downsides

The use of AI in education is a big problem for learning because it makes students cheat and not learn anything.

The teacher, though, wasn’t dumb. After reading the first paragraph, they knew something was wrong. It was too good, too flawless. The words were too fancy for the student’s level, and the voice differed from the student’s other work. So, the teacher decided to check the essay for plagiarism. To their shock, the essay was totally stolen.

Moral of the Story

Teachers and policymakers should try to make learning fun, give less homework, and think of new ways to test students’ learning.

The lesson here is that teachers and policymakers should help students be creative, think for themselves, and learn instead of using AI for grading and homework.

