Take A (Matrix Oracle) Cookie & Go From Ordinary To Magical & Extraordinary

Alchemy At Play In Your Life

Kalyn BR
5 min readJun 15, 2024


Alchemy Cookies by Author

“No,” the channeling, which we call The Oracle, told the client. “Spirit doesn’t come down into form.”

For a minute, the client was confused. We pray for help, isn’t’ that so that spirit comes down to help us? he thought.

“That’s your job. You make the cookie.” They continued.

The Cookie In The Matrix Movie

In the movie The Matrix, the Oracle offers Neo a cookie after having ‘examed’ him to see if he is The One. She looks at him and says that he has the gift, but perhaps he’s waiting for his next life. She tells him not to worry, “Take a cookie… and everything will be right as rain.”

How can a cookie help? Is the cookie special? Can you get and eat such a cookie?

Yes, you can.

Your Cookie

My channeling session continued. The Oracle said that an alchemist takes existing elements- he doesn’t make them, but he does transform them. Traditionally they go from lead into gold. A baker does something similar, they take ingredients and transform them into a cookie.

A guru, sorcerer, or the Matrix’s Oracle use the same ingredients that you and I would use to bake cookies: flour, sugar, butter…

“A cookie is a cookie.” The Oracle told the client.

However, they said, when you are in alignment and working with your Soul and the universe, you are working with much higher frequencies. Now when you make a cookie, it’s imbued.

Such a cookie, when eaten in alignment, is magical. Seems like an ordinary flour and sugar-cookie, but it is an extraordinary one.

Extraordinary Rules

It’s not what you do, it’s how and with what intent-

Universal laws at play:

~ What: An extraordinary cookie (or any other item you have) must be eaten or used in a meaningful way. This determines intent. If you do not choose to believe in the cookie, your energy can revert it back to an ordinary cookie.

~ How: Like Neo, it’s not the cookie, but a shift in yourself that will empower you to stop the world. The Oracle’s cookie has the higher frequency energy from the Oracle, so the energy is in the cookie, but only because she imbued it. If Neo doesn’t align his energy, he won’t be an energetic match for the cookie.

~ Intent: When you know that the cookie is extraordinary because the Matrix’s Oracle made it, or because you say so, then you are utilizing the how.

Recipe For Magic

If you want to have magic in your life, the recipe is quite simple — although it may not be easy.

It doesn’t matter what you do in life, although doing something you love and are passionate about make it a lot easier and it feels like it feeds your soul. (Note: I’m not saying something you believe in because beliefs will lead you astray. Beliefs are always based on the past. The only thing you benefit from believing in is your authentic self.)

When you are being the cosmic version of yourself, you become a (loving) puppet master whose puppets are their physical body, their emotional body and mental body. Yes, the Cosmic version of you chooses to meditate and merge with your True Self (God, Soul, I AM and so on) and then it chooses to live in alignment, employing almost exclusively divine thoughts, feelings and actions that, on the surface feed your passion, and on a deeper level fulfill your life purpose.

As that Cosmic puppet master, you can turn ordinary cookies (or anything else) into extraordinary ones.

The key isn’t extraordinary cookies, although they are an ingredient in our recipe. The key is how you do things and your intent.

It wasn’t until Neo had a moment of self-realization that he became The One. That’s the how. Then his intent was to fulfill his life purpose.


The first thing our egos try to do is figure out how to live this way. The challenge is that this takes us back to an inventory of beliefs and ideas. Like a library, there may be some classics, but Neo has to do something new — and you do too. As The One, he will know what to do. He tried to figure out how to be The One and only felt he was disappointing Morphious.

There’s no answer out there. A library may inspire you, but you are after the internal shift that knowing brings. Knowing isn’t easy to come by. When I know, I have no doublt. Like the oracle said in the movie, ‘It’s like being in love, no one can tell you that you are, you just know it.’

You could say we are talking about how to believe in yourself. When you do, you know how to tap into yourself, your True Self, and get guidance, direction and answers. I could tell you this is in your heart chakra, which is true. You can also find it in your meditations and deep pondering (because pondering is like going in a pond: deeper than the surface reflection into the abyss of everything below that surface). You know at your depth, which is what going into your hear is all about.

Embue Your Life — Photo by Author

Don’t Figure It Out

You don’t need to know what your life purpose is because life brings you what you need every day. Just take the cookies, challenges or whatever else comes your way and be the one who believes in you; do things because they serve you, perhaps in ways you are not aware of. Do your best, do what you know. If you know your passion or your purpose, this is even easier.

Either way, understand the cookie. Nope, it’s not about indulging in the sweet things in life, so don’t start baking or go to a bakery to buy lots of cookies — unless these are your passion. Recognize that the oracle could have given Neo a car, a worm, a challenge. Even a pile of dirt. It’s not what, she gave him, it’ everything else.

So, take whatever your life brings you today. Recognize that it may look sweet like a cookie, it may look like a nightmare challenge. Go deeper than the surface appearance down to the how and intent so that you imbue whatever comes and you live your life fully.

That will bring sweetness and magic into your life every time.



Kalyn BR

Helping People Live Their Dreams As Intuitive Retreat Leader: US, Mexico & Bali, On-going Groups & Author (10 Books incl. Shamanic Egg Cleansing) | Flowing.Zone