Taking Care Of You

Split-second decisions change lives

Randy Fredlund


Driveway next to a four-story building.
Turn left into the north entrance. It’s easy on a bright and sunny afternoon like the one when the author took this photo.

The road in front of the building is busy in the daytime. Access from it to parking is at two less-than-perfect points.

The south entrance is narrow and quite close to another building. An additional “benefit” of using that entrance is the sunken grate on the passenger side that is impossible to see when one is busy negotiating the narrow entrance. And also unavoidable. The best-case scenario is to brake to a crawl after turning in so that the descent into the crater is gradual.

South entrance photo by the author. Do you see the crater downhill on the right?

The north entrance is wider, but the grade up from the road is too steep for easy access. One would like to zip across the opposing lane before oncoming vehicles must to take evasive action. Unfortunately, that will provide a jarring impact which becomes more objectionable with each passing year of the driver’s age. Hence it’s best to wait until the light down the street regulates the flow to provide a wide gap, or to brake just before impact as one swings left into the drive, and then accelerate up the ramp.

Detail is not easy to distinguish even on this sunny morning when the author took this photo.

On a dark and damp morning, even with some sun, the shadow cast by the 4-story building obscures details on the sidewalk across the driveway.

Returning from a frustrating non-service at the local auto dealership, I approached the north entrance. There was just enough time to make the left turn in front of onrushing traffic as I pulled into the central turning lane. Directional flashing and foot on the accelerator, I began to turn in.

Almost before cognizance of your presence and only slightly in the oncoming lane, I stepped hard on the brake and terminated the turn. Mostly hidden by the shadow cast by the four-story building, you strode across the driveway undeterred. Perhaps you were confident that your right-of-way would protect you even though your olive drab apparel, navy skull cap, and dark flowing hair provided almost no contrast against the shadows.

Are you homeless? Perhaps you are a college student at Empire University across the street. It’s so hard to tell. Regardless, as I slammed on the brakes, you turned toward me to deliver a disdainful look as you finished crossing the driveway. I countered with an acknowledging nod.

I spent the next few moments watching the cars speed by, pleased that I had not added brighter colors to your clothing by splattering you across the asphalt. I also reflected that I might have reacted in the same manner as you if our ages and roles were reversed. Perhaps my long blonde hair would have helped your old reflexes to save me.

We are often oblivious of our benefactors and unwittingly hold them in contempt. You’ll never know how close we came to having a really bad day.

May you soon lose the poison of contempt in what will be your long and happy life.



Randy Fredlund

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.