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The art of positive and happy living

Rithik Kannan
3 min readMar 4, 2024


Becoming a creator is something, that we all aspire to become.

Doing what we truly love. Working from anywhere in the world. Passive income and the list goes on.

It’s a profession that we directly or indirectly dream of, and we all want that lifestyle.

But, the journey to get there is never easy, and as a beginner-level creators our work seems like pain and we will see the days pass with nothingness.

No likes. No views. No followers.

Only stress, fear, and anxiety.

But, I wanted to change this.

The journey of creators and writers need not to be stressful, overwhelming, or sometimes without hope.

If you are a creator, you should have felt that, and if you want to become a creator, then you will feel that.

But, do we really need that kind of creator journey? where

  • We do something for the sake of consistency.
  • Sometimes not knowing what we are doing and
  • Doing something that we are not truly happy about.

No, Never.

We just need a journey, where

  • We are truly happy.
  • Living with a purpose and
  • Having more satisfaction at the end of the day.

It’s all possible, and I’m here to share “The 10 habits to enjoy your creators journey” in the upcoming series of my articles on “Positive and Happy Living.”

A journey with a smile:

Smile — Image by author

How many hours in a day, do we truly smile or stay more happy?

Maybe 1 hour of the day.

This means that 90% of the time we are filled with negative thoughts and pushed towards an unhappy life.

But, who leads us there? Negativity.

Yes! We are too busy.

  • Comparing our followers with others.
  • Overthinking about what others are thinking about us, but in reality, they don’t care about what you are doing or
  • Expecting 100 likes to be happy, and opening that app 100 times a day, but failing to understand that opening our app 100 times doesn’t give us 100 likes.

We need to change this. We need to stop comparing, let go of negative opinions, and live a life without expectations.

I will teach you more about how to overcome these negative habits, in the upcoming series of articles.

But, for now, we need to bring positivity into our lives, and the first step towards it is to walk on the journey with a smile.

Why smile?

Because you are telling your mind that I’m happy and positive.

Silence and smile are two powerful words. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.

~ Buddha

We don’t need a happy life, we just need a happy day:

Happy day — Image by author

I will get my first 100 followers, and then I will be happy. I will get my first sale and then I will be happy.

Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is in the journey.

~ Buddha

We don’t need to wait for our future, to be happy. The true happiness is in this moment.

When we reach that future, we regret for not enjoying the journey and want to get back to those days.

For example: Remember, thinking about the school memories, and wanting to be there another time, but knowing that you can’t be there makes you unhappy.

The same applies to a creator’s life. We would reach the highest peak and maybe get those 1 Million followers, and then dream of how happy we should have been along the journey as a beginner.

So, Make every day of your creator’s journey more positive, happy and enjoy the journey with a smile.

This article is the first lesson of my upcoming E-book. Join my happiness newsletter to get the E-book for free as soon as I launch it.



Rithik Kannan

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