I have been Scammed on medium

You Might be Next . Stay Alert !!

3 min readJan 17, 2024


Getting that initial clap on Medium is like celebrating a festival — or at least it was for me. But what if I told you it might be a big scam? Trust me; you might relate.

I’m pretty new to Medium but not to writing, feeling like the new kid at school, trying to figure things out. You know the drill — a mix of anxiety, insecurity, self-doubt, and a whole lot of excitement.

So, there I was, writing and publishing my first blog, My lifelong pals — anxiety, insecurity, self-doubt, nervousness, and overthinking — joined me on this wild ride.

The overthinking almost convinced me to hit the delete button, but something inside me resisted.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, there was no response, no feedback, and definitely no claps.

Sure, it was a bummer, but it wasn’t the end of the world. I wasn’t about to let it snuff out my spark. Instead of drowning in disappointment, I focused on what didn’t work and moved on.

I decided to give it another shot, pouring in research and hard work into my next blog. And guess what? History repeated itself — hours of waiting, disappointment, and a night of not-so-great sleep.

The next day, I opened Medium with anticipation, hoping for a miracle surge in claps and followers. Surprise, surprise — someone clapped on my story.

It felt like I had conquered the world, especially with a 9-to-5 job and burning the midnight oil to express myself through writing.

But hold up — here’s the twist in the story. After a few days, a reality check hit me hard. No one had actually read the story. I refreshed, thinking it might be a lag, but nope, nada.

Tough pill to swallow, realizing that the clap was just a little trick to grab some attention.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Writers pour their hearts into their words — the struggles, hard work, and passion often go unnoticed. Writing isn’t just about seeking attention; it’s about expressing ourselves, connecting, learning, engaging, and living through our words.

Waiting for that one clap, comment, or follower carries the weight of anxiety, insecurity, disappointments, and struggles. Yet, we keep showing up.

When someone claps without reading, it’s like a betrayal, offering false hope as bad as any crime.

We’re all hanging onto hope. So, instead of just clapping, take a moment to read an article. You might find it useful, and who knows, you might learn something valuable.

Our world, you see, can’t thrive in isolation; it needs each and every one of us. Your stories? They matter , Our Stories ? They matter too . They’re the threads that weave the fabric of our shared experiences.

Think about the joy and happiness you can unknowingly sprinkle around by simply acknowledging someone else’s work.

It’s an art, a subtle yet powerful act. Encouraging others, setting an example, and inspiring fellow writers — these are the qualities that turn regular folks into the ones we admire.

Ever notice how the big names in the writing world often extend a helping hand to their juniors? That’s what makes them stand out.

And here’s the beautiful part — when you embody that spirit, you become a beacon of encouragement, spreading love, happiness, and inspiration within the writing community.

You might not realize it, but with every clap and comment, you’re adding your notes to a beautiful symphony of support and growth.

Each interaction, no matter how small, contributes to this grand composition.

So, let’s respect every writer, for we’re all on this journey together, and together, we can create something truly extraordinary.




I'm just a writer figuring it out, navigate this wild world of Writing. I write about life lessons , writing tips & crazy secrets