The Guide To True Motivation

Noah Parry
4 min readNov 30, 2021

Picture this: You’re an up and coming, indie writer that loves everything about what you do and has no pressure to meet any form of deadlines whatsoever. Despite this, you never seem to publish many (if any) of your works anymore; or if you do, they come across as rushed and/or meaningless. Why does this happen you may ask? If I have a passion for writing, why do I always feel so forced into doing it? This question, if not answered, may destroy your love for writing permanently — and it shouldn’t be this way. My answer to your question is simply: “Motivation Is Key!” As with many hard and/or time-inducing hobbies, I can’t express how important yet overlooked motivation truly is. For example, you could be the best football (soccer) player in the world, but never make it big as you lack the key element of motivation. Unfortunately, we all face a lack of motivation from time to time — but you need to take control before it gets out of hand. A lot of the time when I consider writing for a while, my mind always makes me second guess myself. I know that I want to write, I just don’t feel up to it. Many times as a beginner writer, I would always choose the latter option. My mindset changed however with only two simples steps to improve my motivation, and I hope that these may help you too.

The first step I’d recommend following is to simply make sure that you’re aware of the goal you one day want to reach. As easy as it may sound, this will help you a lot — I only know of a minority of people that are conscious of this fact. When I say a ‘goal’, what I mean is (for example): Think to yourself, by the end of this week, I will have written 20 pages of my current novel. Now, this goal or marker, should I say, can vary. Depending on your pace and attention span, you can set this marker whatever you’d feel would best suit you. Personally, my aim/goal is to write approximately two articles per week. With a known goal in your head, finding motivation will be so much easier for you. For example, you can work at your own speed, have a good idea of when you’ll finish your piece, and feel very driven to reach your daily, weekly, or monthly target. And to top it off, completing your piece will feel so much more rewarding than it would have otherwise been if you’d forced yourself into writing it; the quality of your piece is also likely to be much better. Just make sure that you also schedule enough time for proofreading and editing too!

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

The next step in which I recommend following is to just remember why you’re writing your work in the first place. Do you want to become a famous journalist? Editor? Author? Whatever your ambition, if you want it that bad, you’ve got to know that working hard is a must. Whenever your brain tries to trick you into becoming bored of writing, don’t let it. Always keep in mind what you eventually strive to achieve — this mentality will keep you on track with your goals. If you, one day, want to become an author, just think to yourself of all the fame and fortune that you’ll receive following the release of your all-new #1 ‘Bestseller Novel’. If you ever feel unmotivated and on the verge of giving up, picture your work as something loved and cherished by all. If you don’t finish creating it, however, your dreams will never come true and your work(s) will not be experienced by others.

Let’s just take a moment to recap. What physical objects have been used to improve your motivation? That’s correct, none at all! ‘The Key to Motivation is Mentality’. It’s as easy as that. Follow these steps and keep your head up at all times; maybe your dreams may even become a reality in the near future. These ideas may sound easy, but in the long run, are the true gateways to motivational success. To conclude, if you have a dream, you’ve got to chase it. When feeling motivation-less, take matters into your own hands and motivate yourself. Anything and everything you may need is within this article, and while being no expert myself, these ideas have certainly worked for me. By following these, I am now even a member of publications and that was my ‘end goal’, believe it or not. If you have the right mindset, short-term and more importantly long-term goals in mind, success is just around the corner.



Noah Parry

Hey everyone, just your typical blogger here! I post frequent articles for all to enjoy; or so I hope you do anyway.