The Importance of Consistency and Focus in Achieving Your Goals.

Dhammshil Kaninde
2 min readMay 2, 2024
Image by Ardit Mbrati on Pexels

Life is not the same for everyone. Some watch movies on Netflix, some enjoy holidays, meanwhile, some people work hard to support their families.

Some people get early success with less work, some people take some time but some people work very hard and still, they do not get success. At this point, many people lose their patience and move to another thing. When that also does not work they try another one and the process goes on. And you know what the result is, yet they don’t succeed.

If you are doing the same thing then don’t worry you are not the only person who doing this. But that also doesn’t mean you should keep on, instead do only one thing at a time, and do that with full focus. Once you succeed you know how to succeed then you can move on to other projects.

Try to understand this, trying multiple things is just a waste of time, rather if you focus on any one thing that you think is better for you. Work on it consistently sooner or later you will get success but don’t change the work.

Image by Gerbert Voortman on Pexels

If you get tired of doing the same thing with 100% effort and still do not get any results then change the frequency, not the work. Instead of giving up, put some effort into it regularly over time you become a master in that. Once you master then no one will stop you from getting success.

If you can’t run you must walk, if you can’t walk you better crawl.

I hope you better understand the meaning of the above sentence. At the start, people do very hard work for whatever they do, and when not get any results suddenly they stop everything.

Before quitting, think about why you started this if you get the answer you can start again very easily.

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Dhammshil Kaninde

I am a Reader, Writer, Traveller, I love to read and express what I have learned though writing.