The Inevitable Facts on Change

Change could be the best thing you’ve ever done

Lauro Medina Jr.
5 min readFeb 12, 2023


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Life is constantly changing, and your life will change more times than you can imagine.

Where do you find yourself at this moment in your life? Do you live with no regrets? Or are you just getting by, settling for a life that you didn’t choose?

Take a moment and reflect on your life and consider the choices and options you have that can change the course of your life for the better, but the ultimate question that we can all ask ourselves is, “what is keeping me from manifesting them into my life now?”

When you choose to change, Anything is possible. If you are afraid of change, then change is not for you. However, if you embrace change and don’t resist it, accept it as a positive factor, your life can forever change.

I often wondered throughout my life if procrastination was the cousin of stagnation. When I mentioned that I would do something or accomplish something, I was hesitant to follow through because I was afraid of uncertainty. If I had taken the chance, I ask myself; things could have been different.

Primarily because Anything that exists can change, it possesses an ability to be different and new again; therefore, it can be better than before.

Many people are afraid to be a part of the change, embrace it and give their life meaning.

In this article, I will tell you how to go on and never be afraid of change again.

Why are so many people afraid to change? Why do so many people stagnate in their lives, jobs, and businesses instead of taking action to break out of the daily monotony and enjoy awesome things like more money, less stress, and learning new skills?

It’s sad to see so many people scared and living with this fear of change. Change is inevitable, but we can choose what type of change we want, which shouldn’t always be for the worse.

Change can be about taking chances and pushing your comfort zone, or it can be about improving a specific part of your life in which you need to accept the positivity that comes with change.

What is the meaning of change?

Personal change and change in general, the concept itself is so intriguing. Change true to its roots means something different. At this time, change has become excellent — one of the best.

Change is one of the few things you know will happen in this world. Everything changes, including your body! But unfortunately, not everything changes for the better. Never sitting still, the difference is one of the great constants in life.

“Change is the only constant in life.” — Heraclitus

When change is inevitable

What if I told you that the change you’ve been trying to make for years was just around the corner? Not tomorrow, not a month from now. The exact change you genuinely need, the one that can take your life to the next level?

Whether we like it or not, change has always been around and will always be around. It’s also something we occasionally feel “threatened” by, as it is inevitable.

How can you make change a positive thing to do

Everyone knows that change is inevitable; however, not everyone embraces the positive benefits of change. People tend to get comfortable in their routines, and when that routine gets disrupted, it can cause stress and chaos in some people.

The change will impact people differently based on their perception of their control and experience with a particular subject matter or situation. When people deal with change, they could become annoyed, overexcited, or even fearful of the potential outcome.

Change can be a positive experience by embracing uncertainty, shifting to a growth mindset, practicing gratitude, embracing newness, and taking action. By adopting these principles, you can approach change positively and reap the benefits of growth, learning, and new opportunities.

Here is a list of positive benefits you will gain from embracing change:

  1. Feeling a sense of accomplishment
  2. Adopting a new course for your life as an adventure
  3. The excitement of taking charge and never looking back
  4. Igniting a sense of well-being and placing yourself in a better position
  5. Facing your fears and the feeling of being empowered
  6. Living your life on purpose without regrets
  7. Changing the trajectory of your life strategically to win in life
  8. Facing the unknown and living fearless
  9. Having no room for second-guessing your decisions
  10. Taking a chance and accepting the Inevitable as your foe

That said, change can be good because it can change your life. It can bring you closer to where you need and deserve to be. It could help you become better at something than you ever thought possible.

Our lives can either be filled with positive change or stay stagnant. The choice depends on us, but we should embrace change and learn to change it into a positive thing.

Change only becomes harmful when we let it. For example, if you’ve decided that you hate your job, you have two choices: sit at the same company and continue hating it until you find a new one, or quit to find a new job that better fits your goals and aspirations.

Millions of people fear change, fearing it could lead to the worst-case scenario. And as of now, millions of people live sedentary lives, doing the same daily routines and letting life go on without them.

Doctors agree that fear of change affects a person’s mind and body and causes many different emotional disorders within the human body. Anxiety can affect humans negatively in many ways, but you can always turn things around thanks to relaxation techniques and positive thinking, as found in mindfulness and meditation.

When you feel emotional and unsure that you are making a big mistake, take the time to meditate somewhere quiet and take a deep breath — and promise a good night’s sleep before making a decision instead of without a clear mind and making decisions based on your emotions.

In Conclusion

We can often view change with fear and trepidation. But why do we resist change, even when we know it is necessary for growth and progress? The answer lies in our innate desire for comfort and stability. We naturally cling to what is familiar and predictable, even if it does not serve us well.
However, change is a vital aspect of life; it is through embracing change that we can truly flourish.

Whether a career change, a move to a new location, or a shift in personal goals, change forces us to step outside our comfort zones and confront new challenges. Through these challenges, we can learn, grow, and ultimately become the best version of ourselves.

No one is immune to change. It is an inevitable part of the human experience. But instead of resisting it, we should embrace it with open arms. After all, change keeps us moving forward, personally and professionally. So When a situation uprises where change needs to occur, try to see it as an opportunity for growth instead of something to be feared.



Lauro Medina Jr.

Lauro Medina,Ph.D, is a Kung Fu & Qigong Hall of Famer/Professional Life Coach/NLP Master Practitioner/Passionate Writer/Up and Coming Author/