The Invisible Shackle Holding You Back From Quitting The 9–5 Life Forever

Kiraa Wells
4 min readJul 30, 2023
Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

When I ask disgruntled 9–5ers what’s the one thing which holds them back from quitting their job, they always give me the wrong answer.

Some of these common wrong answers include:

“I need an emergency fund.”

“My side hustle isn’t earning as much as my 9–5 income yet.”

“My salary is still my biggest source of income.”

In other words, they’re tied to their 9–5 because they feel hopeless without it.

Makes perfect logical sense right?

Well, not too long ago I was in that exact same position. I vividly remember what it was like to drag myself to a job everyday and wondering if there was a way out.

And every single time I fantasised about breaking free, my mind would inevitably ask me the same question….

“Will I be able to get another job and land on my feet?”

Do you see the problem? The idea of working for myself and starting my own business wasn’t even on the menu because I was completely oblivious to the opportunities that were out there for me.

If you’re reading this then you’re already far ahead of where young Kiraa was because at least you know there are options. At least you know, there are other items on the menu.

So here’s another off-the-menu opportunity you might not have thought of….

This item is so powerful, I would go as far as to say it’s the key to unlocking the shackles that are tying you down to a 9–5 you hate.

(Side note: I am not against 9–5s. If you have a 9–5 you love, then ignore me_)​

So here it is;

It’s a high-income skill.

Now here’s where it gets confusing.

Most 9–5ers don’t value themselves based on their skillsets.

Instead, they see themselves as employees. They have a specific job, with a specific title which fulfils a specific role within a specific company.

For example, I am an accountant. Therefore, I saw my value as nothing more than “just an accountant.”

And this limited my opportunities because I thought, incorrectly, that the only way I could make more money was to play the role of an accountant.

Chances are if you have a 9–5 that you want to escape from, then you too limit your ability to earn munny based on your existing 9–5 job.

But here’s the thing….

As part of your job, you very likely have one or two high-income skills you’re overlooking.

For instance, being an accountant, I wasn’t just any kind of accountant. I was a bankruptcy specialist.

And in that role, I do A LOT of business writing. In fact, I do more writing than actual number-crunching traditional accounting.

I have to write reports to creditors, letters to attorneys, presentations for meetings etc.

And I have to write them in a very particular style.

And because I spend most of my day writing business correspondence…. I became rather competent at business writing.

So my goal is to quit my job and look into an online business.

As I’m looking around for opportunities to make money online and build a freedom-based business, the first thing I did was write down all of the skills I had attained from my 9–5 days.

And the one thing which stood out was writing.

So that’s how I got into email copywriting and that’s why I chose this particular high income skill. Sign up to my free newsletter.

Now it’s your turn.

If you’re a disgruntled 9–5er and you’re wondering how in the hell you’re going to break free?

The first thing you need to do is write down all of the skills you have.

This won’t be as easy as it sounds because there are probably skills you have that you may not even consider a skill.

Take for example my old colleague Doug.

This guy was not a particularly skillful accountant. But the ONE skill he did have?

He loved taking care of his clients. He was the kind of guy who would call up his clients just to check in on them and ask if there was anything they needed.

He was the kind of guy who would bring you a cup of coffee because he saw you were having a stressful week.

His skill was his ability to build relationships and get along with people.

Now if you were to approach Doug and ask him what his skill was?

I doubt he would say he’s good with relationships. He would probably say he’s an accountant (that’s still his profession to this day).

But if I had to counsel Doug in the big bad world of online business?

I would recommend he build an audience on social media and leverage his relationship building and people skills by doing sales.

So here’s the key takeaway from this:

Skills equal stability.

The sharper your skill, the more confident you are in your skill, the more stable you will be financially.

Something for you to think about on this fine Sunday.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. It means a lot. If you enjoyed this, give it a clap or even comment. I dare you to!

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Kiraa Wells

I write about everything I’m learning, things I’m thinking about, and ideas I’m having. This helps me more than anything get out of my own head.