The Man Who Brought Pain To the World

Lucifer Angels
1 min readJan 30, 2021


WRITTEN : 2018

Taken: 2017 By Me author

When I walk see how life turns with every thought and creating such a vast conduct with humanity

For the last few years I have carried my thoughts through different environments tested how the world Works and created this man that never seen the light.

Hidden inside the vast

Illusion of life itself wondering when he will speak the journey starts when someone breaths in and calls

Him but all it is just a sudden itch like a bite from a mosquito in the vast garden he has created he doesn’t

Know how they look but feels them with their hand movement of the body he understand that they

Have created life he doesn’t know what he touches in this dark world but it puts him in a state of trance

He thinks of when he was first born is when you had opened your eyes to this created universe this man has never felt so alive in his life.



Lucifer Angels

Photographer & Entrepreneur now Writer. Appreciate the following.