AI generated image of an artificial moon
This is where the Moon was built. Midjourney.

The Moon Probably is Artificial

No, it’s not a hologram and earth is not flat

6 min readSep 17, 2023


I love indulging into ancient mysteries and legends and while it is fairly wide known, that almost every culture on earth has a “Great Flood” myth, not many know that some cultures also have myths about a time “before the Moon”.

Intriguing, right?

Well, to be honest you have to be open to the “woo woo” fringes of what is accepted history and science to really enjoy pondering about such things, but heck I do!

Let’s start with some things based in factual reality that are still odd enough on their own to blow your mind, if you let them sink in.

Moon Oddities

Interesting facts about the moon:

  • Distance and size of the moon are just right to allow for near-perfect eclipses
  • The Moon is actually really large compared to it’s host planet (the Earth, in case you forgot), it’s actually planet-sized and much larger than Pluto
  • The Moon has a very unusual orbit, an almost perfect circle, which is rare
  • Despite having differing diameters, almost all craters on the Moon have almost the same depth (they are really shallow)
  • The Moon is tidal-locked to earth, meaning that…




Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.