The Most Promising Ways AI Can Help Humanity

AI won’t replace humans, but humans using AI will.” (Fei-Fei Li)

Story Taller


While most of the Terminator 2 fans out there would tell you about how the movie is the best action ever made, how the special effects still hold after so many years, and why T1000 is one of the most memorable villains in movie history, my love for the movie steams from the connection developed between John Connor and the T-800 sent to protect him.

The more contact I have with humans, the more I learn. (T-800 — The Judment Day)

The line above, from the Terminator 2 movie, might have sent shivers down spines back in 1991. After all, the more ̶h̶e̶ it learns, the better a killer becomes.

Yet, no matter how much I love James Cameron`s movies, I am not spending my time worrying that Skynet will unleash the destruction upon us.

Today, more than two decades after the initial Judgment Day (August 29, 1997) as AI continues to evolve, I see a fascinating picture emerging — one where AI’s learning is both a threat and a powerful tool to help humanity avoid self-destruction and thrive.

Yes, you got that right: “Thrive”.

The threatening part, the “Rise of The Machines” scenario is the part that captivates our imagination…



Story Taller

Writer, Tantra therapist, and Laughter Yoga teacher. I love writing about life, love, and hope. I dream about starting a holistic retreat center in Portugal. 🙂