The One (And Only) Thing Needed To Make a True Transformation

How you (and only you) hold the key to drastic change.

Neil S
2 min readJan 23, 2023


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Did you start off the new year with a resolution? How is that coming along? I too had made a new year’s resolution. Then I had an epiphany. I have now decided that I will never ever make a new year’s resolution ever again. Why?


I’m a productivity nerd, so I regularly listen to podcasts about productivity. Not too long back, I was listening to “The 5 AM Miracle” podcast and this particular episode changed my whole outlook.

The episode emphasized that you don’t require money or equipment or a new year’s resolution for transformative change. It’s all in the mindset. Change occurs when you want it to take place.

True transformation happens when you reach a breaking point and refuse to live like you have been living. It does not depend on a day or date. It can happen right now.

The Curious Case Of Gear Runner And His Dramatic Weight Loss

There is a video on YouTube by a guy who goes by the online moniker Gear Runner. It is titled: “How I lost 75 pounds in 3 1/2 months!” Look it up.

Gear Runner lost that weight and has kept most of it off. He didn’t go to the gym or have a fancy diet plan.

He exercised using the free versions of apps like “Lose it” and “Six-pack promise.” His staples were oats, chicken, eggs, hot sauce, Special K pastry crisps, and fruits. He allowed himself a cheat meal once a week. Gear Runner kept his intake under 1500 calories a day. What he did was simple but not easy.

Gear runner admits that he probably lost the weight too fast, but he was TIRED of living the way he was. He decided enough was enough when a couple of his colleagues looked at him and asked “You look like you might be pregnant — when is it due?”

What allowed the transformation for Gear Runner to take place was his desire to change.

The Takeaway

What changed for Gear Runner was his mindset. The key to change is within you (and only within you). You have to decide to change. This takeaway holds good for a whole host of scenarios.

What you need to lose weight, finish writing that book, get that project done — is a SWITCH in MINDSET. The day, the money, and the tools are all secondary. The WILL to ACT is EVERYTHING.

If you want to change, flip that switch now. Decide.

Were you impressed by Gear Runner’s story? Let me know in the comments. This article is the expansion of a tweet. If you want more content like this, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my newsletter.



Neil S

PhD candidate, dad, comic book collector, Georgetown law grad. I like writing about politics, finance, watches and writing. Let's talk!