The Power of Saying ‘Yes’ to Yourself: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear

Jin Park
3 min readMay 24, 2024


An Introverted Entrepreneurs Insights On Self-Doubt And How To Change

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Have you ever told yourself no? — Yeah, me too.

I’m talking about thoughts like…

  • “Why bother applying? I doubt that school would ever accept me.”
  • “This business idea isn’t going to work. I’m too old/too young/too inexperienced.”
  • “She’d never date me. I might as well move on.”
  • “My boss won’t promote me anyway. Why should I even ask?”

From what I can tell, we all play this self-rejection game from time to time.

The problem? — Telling yourself no slams the door on opportunities before you even step into the hallway. When you decide not to act, you deny yourself potential wins.

That realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

So, I began following a simple, yet life-changing rule to stick to my guns and keep pushing even when I wanted to throw in the towel.

Here’s how it works and why you should embrace it too…

Don’t Give Up At The First “No”

We’re wired to avoid failure like the plague. (Ever wonder why celebrities, politicians, and athletes…



Jin Park

Top Writer at Hacker Noon | Entrepreneur & Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Seoul:Forge