The Resolution Everybody Must Take

A resolution that could be life-changing

4 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

We are all accustomed to making new-year resolutions. Following the resolutions or not depends on each person’s willpower and consistency.

We all make resolutions, such as having to hit the gym regularly, following a healthy diet, accomplishing this particular goal, etc.

Do we bring this resolution into action? Most of the time, these resolutions remain statements with no positive intentions.

Don’t worry; I am not here to discuss how to follow your resolutions. I am here to tell you about that one resolution that I have decided to follow each year.

Let’s dive in.

This year taught me one great lesson that every human must take as a resolution for every minute they are alive.

Taking that one resolution could help you figure out what kind of resolution you must take and how to follow it without fail.

The resolution is getting one step ahead each year to discover yourself to the core.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

What does it really mean?

This life is all about extending ourselves beyond the possible, leading ourselves to become greater human beings.

For that, it is essential that we understand ourselves better first. But the harsh truth is that we never think of discovering ourselves.

We all have unique potential, but most people never go beyond their comfort zone and live an ordinary life.

We are all taught to live a comfortable life, should earn a lot of money, and are accustomed to believing that society will give us respect only if we lead a luxurious life without a lack of money and comfort.

Society limits us by telling us that focusing on jobs and earning money is the way to live life. But I will say that life is something more than what we think.

Life is about discovering oneself each day, which helps us become better human beings.

We all get hit by life’s uncertainties, which make us perpetuate through the dark times of our lives. But this is the time you need to realize that it is essential for a major upgrade.

What do I really mean by that?

When life bombards you with adversities, instead of struggling with the adversity, step back and give yourself a little time to revisit your past.

Trust me, introspecting yourself during tough times is the best way to understand and discover yourself. Be fortunate that life is troubling you, which means life is bothering you.

If you are someone who is just unhappy with life’s series of troubles, be proud that you are aware that life is troubling you. I know many people who just don’t get troubled by life, or they try to avoid life's troubles.

I better suggest that this is the time to troubleshoot yourself.

Photo by baher khairy on Unsplash

Why am I emphasizing that self-discovery is crucial in one’s life?

Knowing yourself is the beginning of your life’s miracles. I am a guy who believes in miracles. Why am I telling you this?

2023 was typically the worst year for me. I was hit with disappointments and failures. None of my wishes or desires were fulfilled. I was depressed until I started figuring myself out.

That phase of my life helped me connect with my inner self, discovering my strengths and weaknesses and leading me to the journey of self-improvement.

I became familiar with myself, like what I like, what I want to become, what kind of job I really want, what I should do for the empowerment of the human race, and finally, how should I feel when I look back at myself when I count the last days of my life?

My life’s unpleasant moments led me to discover answers to all those questions, helping me to push myself beyond the possible and making me realize my inner strengths and potential.

Final thoughts

This life is not merely about surviving. We humans have greater potential to accomplish our goals and desires.

Make resolutions to know yourself better each day so that you can figure out what you really want in your life. This clarity will help you stay disciplined and follow your resolutions.

Connecting to your inner self is one way to live a life of happiness and contentment. This one resolution could change your life by helping you realize who you are.

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Exploring the depths of self through the art of writing, I embark on a journey of self-discovery and expression, one word at a time.