The Rise of Neo-Humans

Nathaniel Castro
3 min readMar 17, 2023


“How Individuality is Driving Evolution”

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The evolution of humanity is a fascinating and complex topic that has been studied and debated by scholars and scientists for centuries. From the early hominids to modern day humans, the evolution of our species has been shaped by a variety of factors, including biological, anthropological, and cultural developments. However, as we move into the future, we are now witnessing the emergence of a new type of evolution that is centered on digital and analog information. In this article, we will explore this new evolution and how it is shaping the future of humanity.

The new evolution that we are witnessing is driven by two types of information, digital and analog. Digital information, in the form of artificial intelligence, is changing the way we interact with the world around us. Analog information, in the form of molecular biology, is changing the way we understand and manipulate the building blocks of life.

At the center of this new evolution is neurobiology, which is the study of the nervous system and how it affects behavior and cognition. By combining digital and analog information with neurobiology, we are able to create a new type of human consciousness that is more individualistic and self centered.

Under the old evolutionary paradigm, individuals were subject to the whims of the…



Nathaniel Castro

I am a new author, but i am committed to creating enganging and authentic content for our readers. With an open mind and willingness to embrace challanges.