The Silent Struggle: Overcoming Loneliness by Turning Inward

Understanding How External Distractions Hinder Our Self-Awareness

Bob Phillips


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

In today’s world, with all of our easy access to the news and current events, it’s easy to get caught up in all of the problems that seem to confront us daily. These issues are not just personal but extend to challenges we all face, such as racial, social, religious, economic, national, and international conflicts.

As my favorite book, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), aptly points out, “problems confront us not only as individuals but also on collective levels: racial, social, religious, economic, national, and international. The purpose of these is to root our attention in the world so we will never go within.” In A Course in Miracles, we’re told that the problem is never external but is in how we view those problems

The essence of this teaching is that our focus on external problems serves as a distraction from our inner world. By concentrating on what’s outside, we avoid the introspective journey necessary for true peace and understanding. This avoidance is a significant source of loneliness and…



Bob Phillips

Just a seeker who is doing his best to find his way home to God.