The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of October 2023

Welcome to the point of no return a.k.a. Eclipse Season

Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi
6 min readOct 2, 2023


Photo by Cait Stott on Unsplash

First the retrograde, now the eclipses. Venus just won’t stop this year, huh?

Eclipses have been enigmatic events throughout history, and understanding their essence is key to grasping their significance. They occur when the luminaries — the Sun and the Moon — align with the lunar nodes. The South Node signifies what needs to be released, while the North Node points to our path of growth. We get pulled into a double kiss this October by two eclipses. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, takes center stage as it lends its energy to these eclipses.

The mere fact that both eclipses occur in Venus-ruled signs, Libra and Taurus, carries profound symbolism. In the case of these “Venusian eclipses,” the new moon eclipse comes up first, conjunct the south node, where the universe practically disarms us until we submit (whether we want to or not) and relinquish old patterns in matters of love and self-worth. This is followed by a full moon eclipse conjunct Jupiter. This alignment will drastically shift our current dynamic in the areas of love, relationships, inner harmony, beauty, and even money.

The most powerful event is not a singular one; it’s both eclipses (in typical Venus fashion that speaks to partnerships). So let’s enter the allure of the Venusian eclipses — the point of no return.

Venusian Eclipses vs. Mars Eclipses

Photo by Dmitry Ant on Unsplash

The contrast between Venusian eclipses and the previous Mars eclipses earlier in the year is striking. While Mars represents action and assertiveness, Venus embodies the qualities of receptivity and sensuality. This eclipse activates this axis of the masculine and the feminine in all of us. This is also the first eclipse in Libra since the south node entered Libra in mid-July, indicating that this month is truly the beginning of what we are meant to experience with this Libra South node transit that will last until early 2025.

Often, eclipses ruled by Venus are easier while ones ruled by Mars are challenging, but it’s not so simple. The very nature of an eclipse is a complete overhaul and a thinning of reality’s veil. Actually, now that I think about it, if you’re a Mario fan like me, it’s kind of like the Wonder Flower in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Eclipses magnify the energy and make everything a big f****** deal, even if it’s something minor — it feels crisis-like for some strange reason. Think of the transformative nature of Pluto combined with the jolting immediacy of Uranus.

This could make these Venusians even harder than Martian eclipses. It’s almost as though we crave so much harmony in a time of chaos. Venus’ personification or expression in Taurus is the one who indulges in comfort, security, and luxury. Taurus, being a fixed sign, is very resistant to change and absolutely hates to be rushed. I believe the key to this eclipse season is a form of cosmic stoicism: React only when wisdom is in the front seat.

The Cosmic Nuances of Eclipses

Understanding the different types of eclipses is essential to appreciating their unique energies. From penumbral to annular, hybrid to partial eclipses, each carries distinct astronomical and astrological implications. These celestial phenomena serve as reminders of how the light of the Sun — the true “cosmic king,” if you will — affects all life. The interplay between the heavens and our earthly lives is made apparent. Let’s take a look at each type of eclipse:

Penumbral Eclipses

Imagine a subtle shading on the Moon’s surface by the Earth, like a faint, distant cloud passing over it. It sort of usually symbolizes introspection and gradual transformation. Think of it as a quiet realization that slowly transforms your perspective over time.

Partial Eclipses

Picture the Sun or Moon with a small chunk taken out of it, as if A “bite” taken out of the Sun or Moon. It’s akin to a specific area of your life undergoing a noticeable shift or change. This is true for all eclipses really but these in particular are catalysts for specific life changes.

Annular Eclipses

Envision the Sun with a fiery ring around it, creating a striking and captivating “ring of fire” effect. This eclipse type might be compared to a surge of personal power and creative energy. This translates to opportunities more than usual for personal power and creativity.

Hybrid Eclipses

Picture an eclipse that begins with the appearance of a ring of fire and ends in total darkness. It’s like undergoing a profound transformation, transitioning from one state to another. The transition occurs along the eclipse’s path due to the moon’s varying apparent size and the Earth’s curvature.

So the moon’s apparent size must be just large enough to cover the sun completely at the beginning of the eclipse path and just small enough to reveal the sun’s annulus at the end of the path. Depending on where you are in the world you’ll experience this relatively rare event as only an annular, a total, or if you’re lucky as a transition between the two.

Total Eclipses

Visualize the world plunging into darkness as the Moon completely covers the Sun. The most powerful type of eclipse. Simply put, Usually, they bring about significant life events that mark powerful endings and fresh beginnings.

The same rules would apply for lunar eclipses, only the moon would be to the right of the Earth

October 2023 is a celestial convergence of two eclipses ruled by Venus: A new moon eclipse in Libra and a full moon eclipse in Taurus. These eclipses will show us where we are permissive, lazy, codependent, or stubborn — how problematic these traits are and how they keep us from aligning to a more harmonious state, to our true destiny, and to true happiness. This month I’m diving deep with my water sign brethren. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, get ready for your in-depth, exclusive October horoscope in the 8th edition of the Men of Cosmos Astro$#!+ e-magazine. If you aren’t a water sign, don’t worry — there’s something for everyone in the MO’CA mag! You’ll also hear my thoughts as I touch on these powerful lunations for all 12 signs in the Hypr’scopes section and lots more other astrological forecasts. Subscribe on my Substack or on my website and download your copy on October 7th.

“The New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in 21 degrees Libra takes place on Saturday October 14, at 11:00 AM PST/ 18:00GMT & The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in 5 degrees Taurus occurs on Saturday October 28, at 1:15 PM PST/20:15 GMT”

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“Rho Ophiuchi is a Ghanaian author, award-winning musician, and Western astrologer in British Colmbia Canada specializing in Astrocartography, Cynexus & Evolutionary Astrology. Rho creates media experiences on AI, the gaming industry, and human intimacy.”



Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi

Cosmic Stoic. Silent-ish Protagonist. Join my Zol'ciety & subscribe on YouTube🪐