Language and Justice

The Transformative Power of Words in Our Quest for Justice

Exploring the impact of words in shaping perceptions of fairness and driving societal transformation.

Tyler Lubben BBA
4 min readApr 29, 2024


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Have you ever stopped to consider the impact a single word can have on our perception of justice? How the very language we use daily shapes, molds, and sometimes distorts our views on what is fair and just in society? It’s like walking through a forest and suddenly realizing how each tree, each branch, contributes to the shape of the landscape. In the same way, every word we choose can direct the course of a movement, frame a narrative, or subtly perpetuate injustice, often without us even realizing it.

I want to take you on a little journey — a deep dive into the profound influence of language on our quest for justice.

Photo by JEFERSON GOMES on Unsplash

Words That Move Mountains and Minds

Think about a moment in history that reshaped the world — a speech, a manifesto, a simple act of defiance — and consider the words that were at its core. From “I Have a Dream” to “Me Too,” these weren’t just slogans; they were rallying cries that mobilized millions, urging them to look within and acknowledge the disparities that lay hidden in plain sight.

I once met someone whose life was turned around by hearing just the right words at the right time. They described it as a ‘lightbulb moment’, where everything clicked into place. This person went on to use their newfound perspective to advocate for marginalized communities, proving that when words are wielded with care, they can indeed become tools for monumental change.

Photo by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash

The Double-Edged Sword of Legal Jargon

In the realms of law and order, terminology isn’t just about communication; it’s about power. The words chosen in legal settings can humanize or dehumanize, uplift or oppress. Consider the difference between being called a “defendant” versus a “perpetrator” before any verdict has been passed. The language of the law can sometimes establish guilt, innocence, victimhood, or blame, often before the gavel has even hit the sound block.

Through the stories of those entangled in the legal system, we can see how critical it is for the language of justice to be as unbiased and respectful as possible. But the question arises, how often do we critically assess the everyday language of legality that shapes our judgments and perceptions?

Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash

Media Narratives: The Lens Through Which We See the World

The media serves as the lens through which we view world events, including the quest for justice. But this lens can sometimes distort, depending on who’s holding the camera. Language in media narratives has the power to evoke sympathy, stir anger, create heroes, and cast villains. It can describe protests as either “peaceful demonstrations” or “riots,” significantly influencing public opinion and, consequently, the course of action taken by authorities and policymakers.

By bringing to light stories behind the headlines, we can begin to discern the subtle biases that skew our perception and understand the responsibility that comes with framing narratives. It’s a gentle reminder to remain vigilant, question narratives, and seek out multiple perspectives to get closer to the truth.

Photo by Brad Starkey on Unsplash

Conversations That Spark Change

At its core, the power of words in shaping our view of justice reminds us of the potential within each of us to influence, inspire, and instigate change. Every conversation, every piece of writing, every shout, and every whisper carries with it the weight of centuries of history and the power to shape the future.

I encourage you, dear reader, to harness this power thoughtfully. Engage critically with the narratives you encounter, question the status quo, and dare to rewrite the script. In doing so, we pay homage to those who have used their words as beacons of hope and lamps guiding us toward a more just and equitable world.

Our language shapes our reality. And it’s through understanding and reevaluating this connection that we can begin to untangle the complex web of justice and move toward a future where fairness isn’t just an ideal, but a truth reflected in every word we choose.

Together, let’s choose wisely.

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Tyler Lubben BBA

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.