Is the web we know and love under threat?

The Web in Danger Because of AI

Exploring the potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence on the future of the internet.

Marc Johnson


The Web in Danger Because of AI
AI-Generated image created with Gemini from Google

I hesitated for a moment before writing on the subject of AI, but like it or not, it’s a new technology that is now available and accessible to pretty much everyone. There are pros and cons, and I was wondering if companies like Google and Microsoft, owner of the Bing engine, are not shooting themselves in the foot with this technology? I’ve been observing the phenomenon for a while now, a year to be more precise, and I’ve seen that a lot of bloggers and webmasters use tools like ChatGPT and Bard, and that, without thinking too much! Yeah, it’s convenient to be able to generate text easily without hassle and without taking the time to write in a way that really sounds human, but then, a lot of people don’t understand how to use these conversational robots intelligently.

(Disclosure: I ideate and draft content in a text editor, refine it with the aid of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly, and revise it to reflect my intended message.)

It’s true, it’s really easy to output text quickly without stopping to check for errors or the veracity of the information. Worse, we don’t even take the time to properly adjust these tools so that they speak in a language that rings true, and that just gives dry facts. There’s a risk that it could really harm the truth of the information on the web, and I say that it’s just a matter of time before big players like Google or Bing have big problems with this.

Take, for example, the case of a blogger on YouTube who shows how it has become child’s play to publish between 30 and 40 posts per day. We end up with a bunch of information that looks the same, rewritten in all kinds of ways. It begs the question: what does the future hold for those who do this? Where is the web heading? I will try to shed some light on this hot topic. Keep reading, hope it makes us all think a little.

Well, I’m going to talk to you about this hot topic: artificial intelligence, or AI as it is often called. And I’ll tell you straight away, I don’t have a clear opinion on that. It’s a powerful tool, like an electric saw: it can save your life or cut off your finger, depending on how you use it.

First things first: what is AI? Basically, they are machines that are capable of learning and thinking for themselves. It’s been around for quite a while now, but it’s really grown in recent years with the advent of cloud computing and mainframe computers.

For several years, AI has been accessible to the general public. We find them everywhere: in our cell phones, in our cars, even in our homes. It can be used for many things: translating languages, writing texts, correcting spelling mistakes, composing music, and even creating images.

Let’s take the example of ChatGPT or Bard, two AI tools that are getting a lot of attention. They can help you write a text, correct your grammar or translate a document. It’s really practical, especially when you’re not a literary person like me!

But be careful, danger! Don’t be fooled by the easy way out. AI is a powerful tool, but it is not perfect. She can make mistakes, and sometimes even serious ones. This is why it is important to always keep an eye on it and never let it take control.

Let’s take the example of machine translation. It’s super practical for understanding a text in a foreign language, but it can also give completely crazy results. This is why it is always important to check the translation afterwards.

The problem is that more and more people are using AI without worrying about the risks. They think it’s magic and can do anything. This is a serious mistake! AI is a tool, not a human being. She has no common sense or discernment. It’s up to us to tell her what to do and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.

If we are not careful, AI can become a threat to humanity. Imagine machines that make decisions for us, that control and manipulate us. It’s the Terminator scenario, and it’s chilling.

So, what to do? Should AI be banned? No, I do not think so. AI is too powerful a tool to do without it. But it must be used with caution and responsibility. Our governments must put in place laws and regulations to govern its development and use.

And we, as individuals, must also be vigilant. We must learn to use AI responsibly and never let it take precedence over our own intelligence.

So what I’m trying to tell you here is that AI is a great tool, but it’s a double-edged sword. It is up to us to use it wisely and ensure that it does not become a threat to humanity.

I’ve been doing Internet marketing for a long time, and I make my living from it. So when I see inexperienced people using AI, it sends shivers down my spine.

AI can cause big problems in our society, especially on the Internet. Right now, many people think they can save time by generating blog posts on the fly.

Dozens of articles per day, written by robots! It’s the race to mediocrity. Soon, we will have the same information on all blogs, just with different words.

It’s nothing new, and it’s far from professional. Worse still, it is harmful to our society.

For what? Because these generic articles only fuel the ambient noise on the internet. They don’t teach us anything, don’t inspire us, and don’t help us move forward.

It is the reign of “everything for the click”, of “quickly done, poorly done”. And it’s up to us to say STOP!

AI is a powerful tool, but it is not a real brain. It cannot replace human thinking, creativity, and expertise, not far from it.

Using AI to generate copy-pasted articles is an insult to the intelligence of Internet users. And it’s a waste of time and money for the companies that engage in it.

So, what to do?

Use AI with intelligence and discernment.

AI can be a great tool for marketers, but only if it is used wisely.

Here are some examples :

  • Rewrite and optimize your existing articles to make them clearer, more concise, and more impactful.
  • Translate your content into several languages to reach a wider audience.
  • Manage your repetitive tasks to free up your time and concentrate on more strategic missions.

But never forget:

  • AI is not a substitute for quality. An article written by a human will always be better than one generated by a robot.
  • Content is king. Choose quality over quantity. Better one excellent article than ten mediocre articles.
  • Be responsible. Don’t be fooled by the fantastic promises of “content generators”.

Let’s use AI to do intelligent, human, and useful marketing. It is at this price that we can continue to gain the trust of Internet users and make our businesses prosper.


I would like to encourage you to do things right and turn away from the misuse of AI. Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but it is not a brain. It cannot replace human thinking, creativity, and expertise.

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A big thank you for reading to the end, we’ll talk again soon!

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Marc Johnson

Motivator and personal development enthusiast. As a life coach, I'm dedicated to helping you grow in life and succeed in all your endeavors, including business.