There’s A Light At the End of The Tunnel

You will be found, all you need is the right soul

Copyrights belong to the author Unheard But Loved (#Writer #Art #Life)

Overwhelmed, exhausted, drained?

Feeling lost when all you want is to be found?

Have you just feel like being all alone when all you want is someone to embrace you?

Let you know that you’re not alone?

That you’re worth fighting for?

That you’re truly worth it even when you think the worst of yourself?

Trust me you’re not alone my love. It’s been so long since I have been feeling this. The need to be loved the way I truly deserve, to be just found because I am lost. Unheard but loved, sounds ironic now doesn’t it?

But I know somewhere in my heart it’s not. Because amongst all this chaos of our emotions, all we are is reaching out:

  • To be heard, when all we can’t do is speak what we feel
  • To be seen for who we are, when we can’t see ourselves
  • To be loved the way we want: unconditionally

Sometimes, when we ask for love, what we truly want is to be redeemed of the feelings we hold dear, most of all the mistakes that we fear even admitting to ourselves. Having been used for my honesty and sheer love for the people I hold dear, over and over again, I think by this time, expressing has become a doom for me, so much so that I have become a temporary in lives of many, who I feel like a permanent in my life. I don’t know how many of you’re familiar with Klaus Mikaelson, but whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

We were misunderstood, underestimated, and unheard for so long, that we chose to close off our emotions to be seen and heard. But at the end of the day, we love so fiercely that we are okay being “the bad ones” in the eyes of those we love than explaining why we did what we did.

We have our fair share of guilt, not gonna deny that but we are unapologetically us no matter what. Though, when people see us, and come at us, they forget “we too feel!”

And that’s the tale of many today. I believe even Klaus got someone like Elijah to fight for his redemption till their last breaths and so do we. Though, today that’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

But please, when you feel overwhelmed, look for that key to your redemption. I know you will feel the loss, the pain, and the overwhelming feeling of what this world has become, but remember you were once a ray of sunshine beneath these dark clouds.

I don’t know if you have someone around you to be your pole star, but you will always have that inner child to put you straight and let yourself grieve:

  • The innocence that you lost to this world’s horrors
  • The pain of being stabbed by the people who held a part of you in their hearts.
  • The pain of being abandoned after a promise of forever.
  • The “what ifs” that you could have changed if you did things according to how the other person wanted you to do.

Please love, remember Elijah loved Klaus through thick and thin, bloodshed or weakness, darkness to light. Similarly, the right people will stand by you “Always and Forever…”

I am pretty emotional today, don’t mind me and this post might feel (a bit too much) extended, but this feeling has gripped my heart to its core. And I feel right now is certainly the best time to address what I feel, because whether I like it or not, we are a generation of broken souls.

Be heard, be loved and be known for yourself, not for what others represent in your life. Today if I promise you this gets easier, it would be a lie because it doesn’t. It’s because like me, someday suddenly, almost two years later, something reminds you of them, and you feel like you’re back to square one, but you’re not.

You need to remind yourself of all the progress you have made and it is okay to love through broken pieces. It’s okay to hold on to some glass to learn never to go near it again. It’s okay to give yourself permission to be: reckless, stupid and voice out anything you want… because that’s how you’re going to be honest!

I love you, you hear me? I know you don’t know me but in those dark times, know someone has you in your prayers wishing for your happiness. Give yourself permission to be okay to wish for the happiness of people who hurt you, because they might have moved on, but you still only have love, just like me.

I am strong but I still crave that weakness, a lone wolf who yearns for a pack, to feel that unconditional love that I(and you) offer to all. But it feels a far cry to ask, doesn’t it? Truly though, it isn’t. It might not be now, but there’s always someone: friends, family, or love that’s going to fight for you when you don’t have any left, just like the Mikealsons.

So cry, let it go but rise back up my unheard but loved, because you’re a warrior, who can fight, and make it. And you’re worth it and someday everyone will realise it, you hear me?

Copyrights belong to @samrosestudio

PS: I love you Mikaelsons, this is my ode to what you taught me, and I am crying while writing this, but you’re my always and forever. Klaus you were, you are and always gonna be my only one <3

The song belongs to the singer and production and has been put here as a suggestion for my fellow readers :)

For all my lovely souls, this is just for you: coz you’re beautiful just the way you’re! You don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart



Unheard But Loved (#Writer #Art #Life)

Being unheard today is as common as getting an ice-cream. I am amongst “those unheard” but somehow loved. I am here to bring “their” attention to “the love”.