There’s No Excuse to Not Do a WATM

11 quick tips to make ‘walk-and-talk meetings’ work for you

Paolo Cuomo
7 min readJan 8, 2021


Knole Park during a WATM (Taken by the author)

This was my view the other morning as I talked to a supplier in India about service changes in 2021.

Just before that, I’d climbed up the hill while confirming the plans for an upcoming virtual-away-day with some colleagues.

Both these conversations achieved what I needed, and the specific outcomes were as good as what I would have achieved sitting in front of my screen at home.

However, I was a mile or so away from my desk getting the added benefit of exercise, fresh air, and the exhilaration of discovering this inspirational view.

I’ve advocated walk-and-talk meetings since March and doubled down when I noticed they additionally helped me recall specific meetings as my mind link the discussions to where I was walking. What I’ve increasingly realised is:

Many of the people who say “that’s a great idea, I should do the same” don’t then act on it.

This post is not rebutting all the excuses and blockers. It simply lays out 11 practical tips to give you more confidence about grasping this priceless (but free) opportunity. These all work for me. Some will be more relevant than…

