These Three Bare Minimum Habits Have Made Me a Better Person.

Small habits, big changes.

The Mbbs boy
2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash


In the journey of self-improvement, it’s often the small, consistent habits that make the most significant impact. Reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve identified three habits that have profoundly transformed my life and helped me become a better version of myself. These habits focus on how we treat others, our approach to tasks, and our openness to growth.

#1 Etiquette

Behaviors and etiquette are paramount to me. The way you treat a guard or a waiter matters deeply, because if I were in their position, your treatment would reflect on me too. Respect shouldn't be divided based on one's job. I've encountered doctors who, despite their profession, lack basic decency. As a doctor, I know that my behavior towards patients and their families is crucial. Even after long, exhausting hours, I strive to remain kind and empathetic. Communication isn't just about words; it involves tone, body language, and genuine care. Learn to communicate effectively and treat everyone with respect.

#2 Executionist

I’m a logic-driven person who views the world in binaries—either you can do it, or you can’t. Why waste time procrastinating when you can take action? While planning is essential, execution is what truly matters. Too often, people get stuck in endless planning, forgetting that it’s the action that brings results. By focusing more on execution, you can transform your plans into reality and steer your life in new, positive directions.

#3 Moldable Mind

Bruce Lee famously said, "Be like water." This means staying adaptable and open to new experiences. As a doctor, I've learned invaluable lessons from nurses, patients, colleagues, and fellow doctors because I don't let my ego dictate my actions. I welcome constructive criticism and thank those who point out my mistakes. They help me grow by showing me where I can improve and reminding me that there's always room for growth.

# Conclusion

Embracing these habits—practicing respectful etiquette, focusing on execution, and maintaining a moldable mind—has significantly shaped my personal and professional life. These small yet powerful changes can make a substantial difference, not just for yourself but for those around you. Remember, improvement is a continuous journey, and it's the little steps that lead to lasting transformation.

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