Thinking vs Doing: Key to Successful Business

Do you know that the key factor for a successful business is doing things than thinking too much about consequences? Let’s explore.

Sai Rama Krishna Jalasutram
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

In the whirlwind of entrepreneurial pursuits, a constant debate simmers: thinking vs doing. Should you spend hours crafting elaborate plans, meticulously analyzing every possibility? Or is action king, urging you to jumpstart ideas and learn through trial and error? The answer, as with most things in business, lies in the beautiful dance between these two seemingly opposing forces.

The Power of Thoughtful Action:

Thinking isn’t a frivolous indulgence; it’s the foundation upon which successful businesses are built. Imagine erecting a skyscraper without blueprints — chaos, instability, and potential disaster ensue. Strategic thinking provides clarity and direction, and minimizes costly missteps.

1. Unlocking Innovation:

Thought fuels creativity. It allows you to step back, analyze trends, identify unmet needs, and envision solutions that haven’t been attempted before. Companies like Apple didn’t simply stumble upon groundbreaking products; they invested heavily in design thinking, a methodology that emphasizes research, empathy, and prototyping — all driven by critical thinking.

2. Charting the Course:

Without a well-defined vision, your business wanders aimlessly. Strategic planning helps you set realistic goals, develop actionable steps, and anticipate potential challenges. This foresight allows you to allocate resources efficiently, navigate turbulent markets, and stay ahead of the curve.

3. Making Informed Decisions:

Data-driven decision-making isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a survival tactic. Analyzing market trends, customer feedback, and financial performance equips you with the knowledge to make sound choices, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities.

The Importance of Taking Action:

However, thinking without action is akin to hoarding blueprints without raising a single brick. The real magic happens when thought translates into tangible progress.

1. Learning Through Doing:

The business landscape is a complex ecosystem, and theoretical understanding only goes so far. By taking action, you encounter unforeseen challenges, adapt to real-world conditions, and gain invaluable practical knowledge. This experiential learning fuels future iterations and refines your understanding of the market.

2. Building Momentum:

Action breeds action. Each completed task launched product, or closed deal generates momentum, motivating your team and attracting new opportunities. Procrastination, on the other hand, creates doubt, stagnation, and missed chances.

3. Embracing Agility:

Markets are dynamic, and clinging to rigid plans can leave you vulnerable. Taking action allows you to test, iterate, and adapt quickly. Think of it as steering a ship instead of plotting its course on a static map. By actively navigating real-time information, you can adjust your trajectory and seize emerging opportunities.

Finding the Sweet Spot:

So, which is more important — thinking or doing? Neither. The key to success lies in achieving a harmonious balance. Here’s how:

1. Know When to Reflect, When to Act:

Develop a keen awareness of your internal state. Are you stuck in analysis paralysis, overthinking every detail? Or are you itching to jump in without a clear plan, potentially heading towards a brick wall? Learn to recognize these signals and adjust accordingly.

2. Embrace Iterative Thinking:

Thinking and doing aren’t sequential steps; they’re intertwined loops. Action generates data, which informs your thinking, leading to more refined action, and the cycle continues. Embrace constant iteration, using each step to inform and improve the next.

3. Build a Culture of Action:

Surround yourself with team members who share your belief in the power of balanced action. Encourage experimentation, celebrate learning from mistakes, and reward quick wins. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.


  • Action without purpose is wasted energy. Ensure your actions align with your well-defined goals and strategic vision.
  • Thinking without action is procrastination. Set deadlines, delegate tasks, and hold yourself accountable for making progress.
  • Balance is key. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, but also carve out time for strategic reflection and planning.


In the quest for business success, don’t get caught in the “thinking vs doing” trap. Both are crucial ingredients, and the most potent recipe involves their thoughtful blend. By understanding the power of each and cultivating a culture of balanced action, you can propel your business towards a future of innovation, adaptability, and sustainable growth. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so enjoy the dance between thinking and doing!



Sai Rama Krishna Jalasutram

Successful Operations Manager helping businesses to grow and sustain. I am a passionate blogger with expertise in topics: Business, Technology, and Management.