This Winter Arc is your Call to Action!

Let the upgraded version of yourself come out by the start of spring!

Divyanshu Lakwad
4 min readNov 27, 2023


Photo by Andrew Valdivia on Unsplash

Winter has arrived, bringing more opportunities to the ones who want to hunt them. This season is more than just chilly winds and cosy nights. It’s an opportunity for transformation with dedication and relentless hard work. Consider this your call to action to make the most of the winter arc and let the upgraded version of yourself come out with the start of spring. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind that will guide you to transform this winter!

Set Your Goals:

Define clear, achievable goals to create a checklist for the next four months. Write them where you can’t ignore- perhaps near your work table- to remind you of your pending mission. Develop a comprehensive action plan, breaking down larger goals into manageable tasks for effective progress tracking. Remember, dreams only come true when you stay dedicated to the journey.

Plan Your Day:

Effective planning provides a roadmap for your daily tasks, giving you insight into the steps needed to achieve various goals. It maximizes productivity and hone your time management skills. Create a to-do list to stay organized, prioritising essential tasks. Whether planning the night before or during breakfast, make it a habit to set tasks that must be completed before bedtime.

Keep Your Environment Neat and Tidy:

The age-old wisdom of keeping your surroundings clean is true. Winter invites cosiness and, often, laziness. A tidy workspace directs you toward productivity. Picture two rooms- one cluttered, the other organized. Where would you prefer to work? Make your bed as soon as you rise; it’s a simple act that keeps your space clean and deters you from crawling back under the covers.

Keep Surroundings Favourable:

Combat distractions by adding reminders of your dedication to your goals. Everyone gets sidetracked, and periodic reminders are essential. Whether it’s motivational posters, replicas of your aspiration, or pictures of loved ones, surround yourself with elements that reinforce your purpose.

Stay Dedicated and Consistent:

Starting your journey is crucial, but the real game-changer is sustaining that effort. One never becomes successful overnight. It is the outcome of relentless dedication, perseverance, and the willingness to sacrifice for your dreams. Make a strategic plan of action for this winter. Mark everything that you’ll be going to do every day to make every day count. Work every day towards the goals you’ve set, and see the result on the final day, and I’m sure you’ll never regret the decision you make today!

The 3 Vital Aspects to Work on this Winter:

  1. Skills: Master at least one skill; it’s the key to earning significantly. Consistency is your ally, requiring about six months of focused effort to become proficient.
  2. Financial Literacy: Manage money effectively; it’s more crucial than making it. Financial literacy safeguards you from going broke, empowering you to grow your wealth wisely.
  3. Health and Fitness: Often overlooked, health and fitness are paramount. Prioritize a nutritious diet and daily exercise to stay disease-free, enhancing focus and confidence. The hoodie season is your chance for a stunning transformation- commit to a healthier you.

In Conclusion, I would like to say that while winter tempts us to hibernate, life won’t change unless you take steps to improve it. Many may agree with this sentiment but hesitate to act. If you’re among those ready for change, you can share your plans with me, and I’ll help you achieve them by keeping track of your progress! You can email me ( any time, and I’ll make sure to reply as soon as possible! Make each day count, pin your goals on the wall of success, and let this winter mark the beginning of your extraordinary journey!

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Divyanshu Lakwad

A law student turned writer, working on himself to improve everyday. I mostly write on self-growth, since I love to share everything that I learn.