This World is a Prison

And the Martyr is free

They Told Me Not To Write™
2 min readJun 30, 2024


Photo by Jakob Rubner on Unsplash

As I stand on the make-shift stage which is the hood of a red pickup draped in Palestinian Flags and Khifiyyahs, I find courage when I look out into the crowd of protesters and see some of my friends like Ruqayyah Ali, Adrian CDTPPW, Dennis • M.Sc., Kaneez Fatima, Saurabh Malviya, Muhammad Saad, Shining LiLLia Misty Thomas, and so many others so I begin…

Thanks for all your prayers, believe you me they were heard

Because of all your prayers, my soul now rests in the heart of green birds

In the world I was a prisoner, with no way to escape

In the world I was starved, beaten, humiliated and even by dogs I was raped

In the world I lost my father, they snatched him right out of our home

In the world they shot my pregnant mother in her belly, I was then left to survive all alone

In the world I had to dig through rubble, all the while I’m too weak to lift a brick

In the world I had to swim in the sea to find food, life itself meant to take a risk

I was shot at one day like a video game, I saw the red dot on my ribbed exposed chest

I was shot at one day like a video game, I didn't even turn 10 yet

But with your prayers I no longer live in a prison, my food is no longer fat from my own body

I found my father, my mother had the baby, I am in Jannah, and now


Photo by Leon Wu on Unsplash

