Three Surprisingly Easy Things That Make Me More Muscular Than 98%

The guide to building big muscles in a few months.

Francis Ekwunife
5 min readNov 26, 2023


Photo by Cemre Pacun on Unsplash

There was a time I went to a waterpark with my friends.

At first, I was skeptical about going.

I wasn’t sure I would like the experience, but I still went.

So I packed my swimsuit and all I’d need for the park.

We drove for three hours to get there.

We took some time to get food because the waterpark was in a mall.

After that, we changed and got ready for the park.

Throughout that day, we enjoyed ourselves.

And it was a fun experience.

But one thing stood out all through the day.

My friends were amazed by how jacked I was.

They couldn’t stop singing my praises.

And they kept pointing out how muscular I was throughout the day.

So, I’ll share the three easy things that make me more jacked than most people.

So you can get jacked, too.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

Easy thing #1: I work out

Photo by Outlook Photography and Studio on Unsplash

The easiest thing you can do to gain muscle is to work out.

Don’t trust people who say you can gain 10 lbs of muscle by doing nothing.

Because that isn’t true.

You have to put in the hard work if you want to gain more muscle.

A quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger:

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

I’ve had to work out consistently for two years now.

When I began, I saw no results. It almost made me quit.

It’s been a long journey, but the results are incredible.

Although working out might be easy, you do it for a long time to see the results.

I’ll show you how I do it:

  • I work out almost every day if I have time.
  • I primarily focus on building my muscles, but some days I do cardio.
  • I divide my workout days into muscle groups.
  • Each workout day, I do about 2–4 exercises for three sets of 15.

Easy thing #2: I do it for myself, not others

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” — Oprah Winfrey

When you base your workouts on how you want others to see you.

Or wait a long time for a gym partner to go with you.

You aren’t going to gain muscle.

Working out should be a personal goal, not one to boast about to everyone.

When I began working, I made a big mistake.

I was doing it so people would see how muscular I’d become.

I worked out so people would see I was no longer fat.

But no one cared.

That’s when I focused on working out for myself.

The results are worth it because although I don’t work out to please others, people praise me for how jacked I am.

Working out isn’t a let-everyone-know goal. Instead, it’s a personal goal.

The goal is to improve yourself. And in the end, people will compliment you on your results.

This is how I do it:

  • I don’t go to the gym with gym partners because they waste my time. But you can if you want to.
  • When I work out, I focus on how happy I’ll be when I see my muscle has grown.
  • I remove any thoughts of working out to show off to women how jacked I am.
  • When people compliment me on my body, I say thank you.

Easy thing #3: I eat well

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

You’ll never get muscular if you don’t eat well.

You can’t always eat ice cream and burgers and expect to have big, lean muscles.

And you can’t expect to grow muscles if you don’t eat enough proteins.

It doesn’t work that way.

The quality and type of food should show that you want to be muscular and lean.

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” — Ann Wigmore

Like working out, you don’t need research to tell you that eating appropriately will give you muscles.

In that waterpark, my friends complimented me on how lean I was.

One asked, “Why is your body so skin-tight?”

They were wondering about the type of food I eat that makes me so muscular and lean.

My diet shows I want to be muscular and lean.

Yours too. This is how I do it:

  • I thank my mom for disciplining me to eat healthy foods.
  • I take milk every day as a source of protein. If you don’t have milk, you can find another option for protein.
  • I eat every meal with proteins and vegetables.
  • I don’t overpack my plate with food.
  • I don’t eat a lot of junk food.
  • When I’m going to a place, I pack my food, so I don’t buy junk food from stores.

If you want to be more muscular than most people, you must do these three easy things:

  • Work out consistently
  • Work out for yourself not to please others
  • Eat the right foods, like proteins and healthy carbs, not junk food

I’ve been doing this for the past two years, and they’ve made me a lot more muscular.

So I’m confident if you try them out, you’ll be more burly, too.

Please share how this helped you to inspire others to try them out.

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Francis Ekwunife

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