Tiny Little Pieces

Dear America, We Need Our Help

Holly Kellums
Flowers of Inspiration


Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

Dear America,

I have been reflecting on life here in this country. I am thinking about all the things that so many of us wish to see and asking myself, have we given that which we wish to receive?

There is only one person whose choices and journey can really be considered, my own.

We want freedom to a certain extent — but not complete freedom. Complete freedom would rob us of the safety and security that is provided by government and laws.

We want to be fair, but sometimes only at our convenience.

We want justice, but will typically not stand up alone for the justice we seek.

We will turn a blind eye to justice when standing up threatens our livelihood.

Are we offering to our country and our world what we are asking from it?

I must admit, for me, the answer is, no.

This may sound a little silly, for anyone who really knows me.

I have only met a tiny fraction of the people in this world. However, in the groups of people I have shared this journey with, I am generally the first one to stand up.

