Sekhar Raja’s Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales (Part 3): To Die Therefore To Live

Sekhar M
2 min readJan 30, 2023


On a pleasant summer day, during their leisure evening walk, Life and Death stumbled upon a vibrant man resting under the vast peepal tree. The man was gazing with thoughtfulness at the setting sun dwindling in the west and was reflecting upon how he would wish his life to end.

Life and Death paused and paid attention as they could hear the man’s thoughts.

“When the final day comes, I wish to go gracefully with all my teeth intact and hands able to grab tight, the knees still carrying my weight and eyes seeing the light.

“After having lived, I wish to die intently with my mind still holding the memories life gave and heart facing it calm and brave, my body thankful for all the delights it had and my soul eager to walk the end and beyond.”

Hearing this, Death said, ‘Blessed be the day I embrace this man.’

‘Blessed also be every day I encounter him until then, for to die elegantly is to have lived entirely,’ added Life.

Copyright © 2023 by Sekhar Raja.

The above is original writing from the author. Find more on the author’s Instagram feed: isekhar_raja.

For other parts of the series, find the collection Tiny Tales.

4 stories

