Tips For Good Sleep

Pretty Lady
4 min readApr 16, 2024
Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

The body has schedules. We cannot escape this gear. Sleep time is sacred for cellular replenishment, to rewind the brain, to allow it to rejuvenate. The basal metabolism remains at a minimum, in slow motion, allowing rest and restoration.

Grandmothers told the children: "Those who don't sleep don't grow". For adults: "Those who don't sleep don't recover; they don't regenerate."

Well, the tips for quality sleep, that is, restorative and rejuvenating, are:

1) Always take a good shower before bed. In other words, never sleep with a dirty body, as the vibrations of freshness, relaxation, and cleanliness that a bath provides will sustain the quality of your sleep.

2) Avoid drinking coffee, teas with caffeine (such as black tea and mate tea), and cola-derived soft drinks, as they are all stimulants.

3) Avoid sleeping with the TV on, as this prevents the person from reaching the deep sleep phase.

4) If the person sleeps early—8 to 9 PM—their dinner (light) should be eaten at 7 PM at the latest to give the body time to digest and sleep so that the energy demand for digestion does not interfere with it.

5) If the person sleeps late - after 10 PM - their last meal (a light snack) should be eaten up to 1 hour earlier, for the same reason mentioned above.

6) I agree with some therapeutic guidelines that indicate that any meal or snack eaten after 7 PM should be liquid to speed up the digestive process and avoid interfering with sleep quality.

Examples: rice and beans? Blend in a blender and drink as soup. A fruit salad with ice cream? Blend in a blender and enjoy a cold smoothie.

7) Daily physical activity is ideal for avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, releasing substances that increase stress, and mobilizing basal energy. For those who have insomnia, I also recommend physical activity or active meditation before bathing and going to sleep, such as dancing, a series of yoga poses, or stretching.

Take the opportunity to pray and set intentions for this moment of meditation and rest. I always ask for learning, good dreams, expansion of consciousness, and solutions to challenges.

For people with insomnia or fibromyalgia, swimming or water aerobics classes are even recommended. These classes provoke double relaxation through physical activity and the action of the immersion bath.

8) When you go to bed, place a glass of water on your bedside and repeat your intentions, as if wishing that all the good things from these intentions materialize in this water during the rest of your sleep. In the morning, drink this water in a posture of gratitude and receive everything that has crystallized in it.

9) There is a very interesting technique suggested as a practice for insomniacs, which consists of taking a 5-minute 'foot bath' in ice water just before going to bed. The person is already 100% prepared to go to bed next.

My understanding of this procedure is to mobilize the energy concentrated in the head to the body's extremities, thus relieving the mind and its neuroses.

10) Turn off all the lights, including the lamp, the hallway, and the bathroom. The brightness prevents the release of melatonin, the hormone responsible for the first phase of sleep.

11) Do not take books, laptops, or any work or worry stimulant to bed.

12) Remove the telephone, cell phone, and watches from the bedside.

13) This one is obvious, but it doesn't hurt to remember: use a good quality mattress and pillow suitable for your weight and size.

14) I recommend an aromatherapy synergy called " Doril in Anxiety and Insomnia ". It is a mixture of the essential oils (OEs) of Tahiti Lemon, Pear Orange, and Mont Blanc Lavender, whose function is to provide relaxation and desire (joy) to be with yourself and to respect yourself. It can be used (at night) in bath water (adults three drops, babies 1 drop, children 1 to 2 drops - or it can be placed on adults' pillows (1 to 3 drops).

In the case of children, it can be placed (1 to 3 drops) in a saucer next to the bed. In the case of babies, the bathtub procedure is enough.

15) When you wake up, after drinking that glass of water (taught above) while still lying down, put your hands together and rub them together. Until they are warm, caress your face, simulating that you are soaping and washing your face. Relax your first face of the day. Then, rub your hands together again and massage your abdomen.

Pet him and remember that the day is about to start, and he needs to wake up; in other words, "potty time" is coming. Afterward, this affection can extend to different parts of the body, and you always wake up with lots of celebration, gratitude, and affection.

16) before the throne, go to the kitchen and drink 1/2 glass of ideally warm water + fresh juice of 1 lemon before you get up. This is a recipe from ancient Ayurvedic medicine to purify (bactericidal action), alleviate (laxative action) and remedy (harmonizing, alkalizing action) all the body's difficulties. Wait 20 to 30 minutes to eat your morning meal.

Sleeping positions

1. Sideways: it’s the best posture! But, it would help if you placed a pillow that fills the space between the shoulder and the head. Hugging a pillow and putting it between your knees is recommended.

2. On your back: this is an acceptable position, but a pillow that is not too high is recommended, and a support (cushion) should be placed below the knees, which will help keep the spine straight.

3. Facing down is not recommended. In this position, there is no way to avoid injury to the cervical spine, which can create contractures in the neck, making relaxation and deep sleep difficult.



Pretty Lady

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.