Tips To Improve Your Well-being At Work

The Nerd
3 min readJun 23, 2024
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Small gestures, which we think are trivial, can make a big difference in our daily lives and our well-being at work. This observation also applies to the professional sphere. Some simple tips can ultimately improve your well-being at work by reducing stress.

1. Check yourself and ensure you are okay.
Several studies confirm that people who practice conscientiousness are more peaceful in their professional lives.

To become aware of your emotions at work, nothing could be simpler: simply ask yourself a question, without judging the answer that immediately comes to mind. “How am I doing today?”, “How am I feeling?” : asking yourself these questions and welcoming the answers with kindness without trying to remedy the problem allows you to reduce the intensity with which you experience these emotions. Formulating it is thus a first step towards acceptance, and allows us to rationalize these sometimes extreme feelings.

2. Accept stressful situations to focus on only what can be controlled
Acceptance occurs in 2 stages: you must first recognize the situation by focusing on the facts that are proven, then identify a tangible measure allowing you to move forward with less stress.

Ruminating on negative situations is indeed energy-consuming. By practicing acceptance, you will be able to free up some of your attention, which can then be re-injected into a new productive measure. In addition to freeing yourself from weight, launching a new measure, no matter how small, sends a positive message, a feeling of progress, directly to the brain.

3. Practice gratitude to counter your brain's negativity bias
Gratitude can be scary at first, but it is beneficial in many ways. It allows you to manipulate your brain, forcing it to focus on positive and meaningful things, while preventing it from dwelling on the negative. The objective is not to deny the difficulties, but rather to be aware that these difficulties do not represent everything, and that there are also positives, which then allows you to improve your resilience.

To integrate gratitude into your daily life, simply create an exercise: it can be simple and quick to carry out. For example, write down three things you enjoyed about your day in the evening before going to bed.

4. Give yourself short, quality breaks throughout the day
It is important to disconnect from work several times during the day, to recharge your batteries and recharge your batteries. It is indeed well known that the human brain cannot stay concentrated for more than 90 minutes, and it is therefore essential to take several breaks. But that's not all. According to a recent study conducted by Microsoft, 5 to 10-minute breaks after meetings significantly reduce stress. Be careful, however, because these quick breaks must be of quality: scrolling on social networks or watching an episode of a series does not help recharge the batteries effectively. The ideal break according to the Harvard expert? : the walk outside. This activity helps boost mood and improve concentration and motivation when returning to work.

5. Prioritize micro-moments of connection with your colleagues
The philosopher Aristotle said that man is a social animal, and he was right. Numerous studies prove that moral support and a feeling of connection with others improve mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. In this sense, it is therefore important to create moments of connection with your colleagues: whether it is greeting them, asking for news or even having discussions on subjects other than work, all these small initiatives are important to maintain a good relationship with colleagues. So take the time to look up from your screens and connect to your professional entourage: these gestures which seem trivial or useless will nevertheless allow you to improve your well-being at work.

6. Practice active rest outside of work
Finally, achieving a certain well-being at work is also achieved by improving your time outside of work. Indeed, it is important to take care of yourself outside of the professional sphere: this requires rest, but also other intellectual stimulation. Devoting time to extra-professional activities, which excite and excite you, will allow you to recharge your energies and nourish your personality outside of your professional self. Read a good novel, play sports, garden, cook, paint... find a hobby, a leisure activity that will help you disconnect and calm down, to return to work more refreshed.



The Nerd

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