To the “No Drama” Guys

To all the guys who make it a point to say “no drama,” “good vibes only,” and other similar phrases, you’re giving away your lack of maturity.

Olivia Love


Selfie by author

If you want “no drama” but feel entitled to a woman’s energy without giving her anything in return besides no-strings-attached (NSA) offers, you’re telling on yourself and your level of maturity, or immaturity, when you make such proclamations. If you just want fun with a woman, to “see where it goes,” you don’t have or want baggage, etc., etc., you need to do what a woman asks of you and be honest about your intent. If you want a woman to energetically engage with you, you better check yourself if you feel entitled to that energy without putting in any kind of work or courtship in return. You need to overcome your ego and consider the woman’s needs.

Because guess what? If you want a woman’s time, attention, and energy, it behooves you to earn it. To the older men on dating apps who seek a woman to see him for “no drama” and who are “not looking for a relationship but you never know where things may lead,” note that you are not being clever or smooth but rather showing your ego and lack of mindfulness. That you’re in your 40s with no kids and no wife or ex-wives is not necessarily the humblebrag you think it is. Let’s not reduce ourselves to the…

