Today I Went to a One-Day Vipassana Meditation Camp.

Dhammshil Kaninde
2 min readMay 5, 2024
Image by Balljinder Singh on Pexels

Yesterday night I was just about to sleep when I got a message from a group. The message was “We arranged a One-Day Vipassana camp this Sunday and only for old students”.

I was very excited to do a one-day camp, it’s been almost a year and a half since I did a 10-day meditation camp. The time of the camp was from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm. In the excitement, I set the alarm for 06:00 pm instead of 06:00 am, and still. I don’t know how but I managed to wake up at 06:00 am.

The Vipassana Centre was almost 20Km far from my home. I left my house at 7:30 because I didn’t want to be late. I thought it would take time to get there, but when I reached there I realized that I was the first one to arrive.

The camp started at 09:00 am, there was already a 7-day camp going on for teenagers, so we were shifted to another hall. It has been a long time so I forgot some lessons but with just a quick overview I remembered everything.

Image by Ruslan Alekso on Pexels

When I heard Goenka Guruji’s voice, I immediately thought of those old days. The first session was for an hour, and the next two sessions were also the same with 5 minutes of break between each session.

There was a break for lunch at noon.

Lunch was very good, with 4 different dishes, a drink for digestion and salad. The next session started at 12:30 pm and lasted for 2 hours. I was very comfortable in the first three sessions but in the fourth session, I felt a little drowsy probably because I had eaten a little too much. I was just sleeping but some people next to me were snoring.

After five minutes of break, the 5th and the last session of the day started and that was “Mangalmaitri”.

In that session, we learned that we should not only think about ourselves but also the people around us. If we have something in excess, we should share some part of it with the society.

So this is how my one-day Vipassana meditation camp ended at 04:00 pm.

Have you ever done any Meditation course, if yes then please do comment.



Dhammshil Kaninde

I am a Reader, Writer, Traveller, I love to read and express what I have learned though writing.