Top 10 AI Cybersecurity Risks You Must Know About

Raise your cyber awareness to not fall pray to the new cybersecurity risks coming along with the expansion of the generative AI capabilities

Anthony Today


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

I. Ransomware: The Digital Hostage Crisis

Imagine a thief infiltrating your sanctuary, not to steal, but to lock away your most cherished possessions, releasing them only for a price. This is the modus operandi of ransomware. This menacing form of malware sneaks into your digital domains, encrypting your data, and holding it hostage. The perpetrators then demand a ransom, usually in untraceable cryptocurrency, to decrypt your information. The audacity and frequency of ransomware attacks are skyrocketing, and the potential financial repercussions for businesses are staggering. With the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), these attacks will not only diversify but will execute with a speed and precision previously unheard of.

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

II. Social Engineering: Manipulation Masterclass



Anthony Today

3x Top Writer on Cybersecurity 🔒 and Personal Finance 💰, Udemy Top-Rated Instructor 🎓